A Peek At Our Week!

Sunday, May 15, 2022

 It was another fun-filled week in Room 202! Please enjoy a few of the highlights below!

Important Dates:

May 26th:
Field Trip
Franklin Park Zoo

May 30th:
No School
Memorial Day


Franklin Park Zoo Field Trip
On Thursday, May 26th our class will be going on a field trip to Franklin Park Zoo! Please sign and return the permission slip that was sent home with your child on Friday if they are able to attend. It is important to note that there is no cost for families due to the generosity of Boyden's PAC. More details about our trip will be sent home in the upcoming weeks. 

 Library Tomorrow
A friendly reminder that our class visits the library/media center on Mondays. Please have your child return their book so that they are able to select a new one. Please also return your child's clean quiet time towel as well. Thanks so much for all of your help! :)

ABC Countdown to Summer!
Our ABC Countdown to Summer is off to a great start! We had a fun time seeing the creative ways the friends brought their belongings to school on Thursday which was Anything But a Backpack day! Click here to see our mini parade! 

Friday turned out to be bubble AND butterfly day as we were surprised to see our caterpillars emerge from their chrysalides as butterflies!


Curriculum Update:

This Week's Sight Words: they, with

Reader's Workshop
Last week in Reader's Workshop we learned how to be avid readers of non fiction texts! Unlike fictional stories where the children practiced identifying the feelings of the characters, avid readers of non fiction, or teaching books, make note about the parts of the book that impress them and make them say "wow!". Avid readers in this genre also think about parts of the book that they may have questions about. 

In math we learned about 3d shapes, also known as solid figures. The children practiced identifying cubes, cones, spheres and cylinders through a wide range of hands on activities. This week we will continue our unit on geometry as we compare and practice building 3D solids.

Writer's Workshop
Last week in Writer's Workshop we continue to identify and solve real world problems through our opinion writing pieces. The class received more detailed instruction as to how to write a persuasive letter and practiced adding multiple reasons to their identified problem in order to make their writing more convincing!

Author Visit
Another highlight of our week was participating in a virtual visit with popular children's author Mo Willems! We enjoyed hearing about his newest book It's a Sign! which he wrote with brothers Jarrett and Jerome Pumphrey. A big thank you to Mrs. Moses in the media center for hosting all of the Kindergarten classes so we could enjoy the experience together!

Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to see all that is new in Room 202!

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