A Peek At Our Week!

Sunday, April 24, 2022

 Happy Sunday! I hope everyone had a wonderful April vacation! A friendly reminder that classes resume tomorrow, Monday, April 25th. I am looking forward to seeing all of my Kindergarten kiddos back in Room 202!


Library Tomorrow!
A friendly reminder that our class visits the library/media center on Mondays. Please have your child return their book so that they are able to select a new one. Please also return your child's clean quiet time towel as well. Thanks so much for all of your help! :)

Curriculum Update:

This Week's Sight Words: my, by

Reader's Workshop
Before vaction we finished our latest unit in Reader's Workshop! During this unit the children continued to practice their reading superpowers and apply their superpower skills to more challenging texts. To celebrate all of their hard work, each child channeled their inner Luisa and wrote about a superpower they put extra effort into strengthening over the past few weeks.

In math we continued to practice "building" teen numbers using base ten blocks! The class enjoyed applying this understanding as they created their own base ten gardens!

The class also practiced both new and previously taught math skills as they completed "April Showers" themed centers.

Writer's Workshop
The celebrating continued as we completed our "How To" unit in Writer's Workshop before the break. The class was incredibly proud of all of their hard work, and had a great time sharing one of their finished pieces with a few of Boyden's fifth grade students.

As a culminating activity we did one last "How To" writing piece, how to make a pizza! We had a great time transforming our classroom into a pizza palor and writing the process of making a pizza step by step!

Click here for a live action view of the pizza chefs at work!

After completing our "How Tos" the children decided to take the fun a step further by turning our dramatic play area into a pizza restaurant! Everyone got busy making paper pizzas, menus, and signs for our newest theme. I can't wait to watch the class continue to play and enjoy this space after the break!

Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to see all that is new in Room 202!

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