A Peek At Our Week!

Sunday, November 17, 2019
Important Dates:

November 27th:
Early Release
No Lunch Served

November 28th and 29th:
No School
Happy Thanksgiving!


Promoting Positive Behavior in Room 202!
During these first few months of school, the children have been working hard to learn the rules and expectations in our classroom. In order to encourage the students to make positive choices, both individual and whole class behavior management systems will be used.

Have you heard about “High Fives”?

One individual incentive we will be using are “high fives”. When a child is observed displaying positive behavior such as helping a teacher or other student, being especially kind, or making a great choice they will be rewarded with a small hand shape (also known as a “high five”). Once a child receives 5 high fives they may trade them in for a prize.

Reward Jar
For a whole class incentive we will be using a Reward Jar! When our class does a fantastic job working together and making good choices as a group, they will be awarded by having an item such as a pom pom, cube, bead, etc. added to the jar. When our jar has been filled the class will then decide if they would like five extra minutes of free choice time or five extra minutes of outdoor recess.
We like to say in our classroom, “When you make good choices, good things happen!”. I can’t wait to see all of the good things that continue to happen in Room 202 this year!

Curriculum Update:

Last week in Literacy we learned about the letters V and W in Fundations, and continued to practice the sight words we, my, and like.

The children practiced writing their teen numbers last week as we finished our unit on number formation. On Monday we will begin a new unit which focuses on addition and subtraction!

The class enjoyed practicing their number writing skills as they played a game called Scoot. The game required the children to count a group of objects, then write the number quickly (and neatly!) before being prompted to "scoot" to the next card.

Happy Birthday!
Our class had a fantastic time celebrating the 117th birthday of the Teddy Bear last week! Wearing our jammies and snuggling with our furry friends was definitely a highlight of the day!

The class had a great time using their "lovies" during a very special math measurement activity!

Reading Buddies
Friday was also an exciting day as we traveled to the second grade wing to visit our reading buddies. Not only did we get to enjoy some wonderful stories together, but our second grade friends also shared some of the fantastic nonfiction writing they had been doing during their Writer's Workshop time. Getting to see their work definitely gave us some ideas for our own writing!

Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to see all that is new in Room 202!

1 comment

  1. Val absolutely LOVED pajama day, especially that they got to watch a fun word show during quiet time :). Thank you for making learning so much fun!
