A Peek At Our Week!

Monday, November 11, 2019
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! A friendly reminder that tomorrow (Tuesday) is library day. Please be sure your child brings their book back to school if they have not already done so! :)

Important Dates:

November 14th:
Picture Retake Day

November 15th:
Pajama and Teddy Bear Day!
Turkey Projects Due

November 27th:
Early Release
No Lunch Served

November 28th and 29th:
No School
Happy Thanksgiving!

Curriculum Update:

Last week in Literacy we learned about the letters H, K, and L in Fundations and practiced reading the sight words my, like, and we!

In math we continue to practice our number writing and focused on numbers 5-9 last week. The students have been using rhymes to help them practice their formation. Be on the lookout for these number rhymes which will appear at the top of their number formation practice worksheets!

Math Centers provided the children with multiple opportunities to practice their number writing! Last week's Math Center activities included, write the room, roll and trace, iPad (Letter School App) and geo board activities! 
Fire Safety!
On Thursday we were excited to welcome the Walpole Firefighters to Boyden! They taught us some VERY important information about fire safety, including what to do if your clothing is on fire, as well as the number you should call in case of an emergency. The kindergarten classes really enjoyed their visit!

A BIG '"thank you" to Boyden's Technology Specialist, Mrs. Carroll, who took time to visit our class during our time in the Innovation Lab last week! Mrs. Carroll did a fantastic lesson on Bee-Bots! Bee-Bots are a child friendly way of introducing "coding" and are also fantastic for teaching directionality, sequencing, estimation, and problem solving skills. The class had a fantastic time creating the 'code' to get our Bee-Bots from one place on their mat to another. For more information on Bee-Bots click here!

Veterans Day!
A big highlight of last week was preparing for celebrate Veterans Day! The class enjoyed learning about the different branches of the military and hearing about the important job of our service men and women.

The students above brought in some special items from home which connected to our Veterans Day lesson!

Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to see all that is new in Room 202!

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