I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and a very happy Mother's Day! The week ahead sure is a busy one! Thursday is both the Kindergarten Music Concert as well as the Film Festival in the evening. We will also continue with our ABC Countdown. 🌞
Important Dates:
May 18th:
Kindergarten Music Concert
May 29th:
No School
Memorial Day
Film Festival
Please refer to the email I sent out yesterday regarding Thursday's film festival and red carpet event. If possible, please let me know if your child will be attending, and if they plan to come for the whole evening or will join us after intermission. Thank you!
ABC Countdown
We had a great time kicking off our ABC Countdown to summer as we celebrated the letters A-D. Please enjoy pictures from Anything But a Backpack, Bubble, Chalk day, and Dance Day!
Anything But a Backpack
Dance Day
We enjoyed reading the story Giraffes Can't Dance to celebrate dance day! We also had a fun dance party at the end of the day. It was a great way to start our first week of ABC countdown activities!
Curriculum Update:
Last week in Fundations we learned to read the sight words this and that. We also continued to practice building our reading fluency by chunking or "scooping" sentences, as well as putting words in the correct order to make sentences that look and sound right!
In math we practiced solving addition and subtraction story problems! (also known as word problems) In the week ahead we will practice counting by tens and ones using dots, popsicle sticks, and ten frames.
Reader's Workshop
We continue to develop our reading skills as we work through our Avid Readers unit. Last week the students practiced bringing their stories to life by acting them out! We also used speech and thought bubbles to make predictions about what characters might be thinking and feeling or saying in given situations. In next week's lessons we will think and react to nonfiction texts!
Writer's Workshop
In Writer's Workshop we are busy creating posters, letters, books and petitions as we contine our persuasive writing unit. Last week we enjoyed reading the stories I Wanna Iguana and Click Clack Moo Cows that Type which were great examples of how we can convince others to get something we need or want.
Our caterpillars continue to grow and thrive! Last week we enjoyed watching them as they formed their chrysalises, and on Friday we transferred them to their pavillion where they will hopefully emerge as butterflies soon!
Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to watch us learn, grow, and play in the wonderful world that is K! 🍎📖🚌
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