A Peek At Our Week!

Monday, May 29, 2023 No comments

 I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend and enjoyed the beautiful weather! It's hard to believe we are entering the last few weeks of Kindergarten! 🌞

Important Dates:

June 9th:

Field Trip to Capron Park Zoo

June 12th:
Field Day (Rain Date June 13th)

June 14th:
Last Day of School
Early Release


Capron Park Zoo Field Trip
A friendly reminder that our class will be traveling to Capron Park Zoo on Friday, June 9th. Permission slips and the $8 cost for the bus and admission was due on Friday. If you have not sent in your child's permission slip and fee, please do so as soon as possible. I will be picking chaperones by the end of the week. 

ABC Countdown
It was another busy week for our ABC Countdown to Summer! Last week the class enjoyed joke, kite, luau, movie, and ninja days. Please enjoy a few pictures from our fun (and also educational!) activities.

Kite Day 🪁

It took a little practice but we finally got our kite flying! 

Luau Day 💮

We started our day by learning how to hula dance!

Then we made sight word leis!

Aloha from Room 115! 🌴

Movie Day 🍿

We kept the tropical theme going by watching Moana on movie day! We also completed many popcorn themed activities, including a decomposing project where students picked a number between 4 and 10, then wrote ways to make that number on pieces of popcorn!

Ninja Day

In addition to enjoying many ninja-themed read alouds, the class also practiced their drawing skills by creating their own ninja masterpiece!

Senior Clap Out
Another highlight of our week was participating in a wonderful Boyden tradition, the senior clap out! It is great to celebrate former Boyden students who will be graduating from Walpole High School, and this year was extra special as two of the film makers from our First Day movie were in attendance! Congratulations Dana and Sophia!

Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to watch us learn, grow, and play in the wonderful world that is K! 🍎📖🚌

A Peek At Our Week!

Sunday, May 21, 2023 No comments

 Happy Sunday! I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend and stayed dry in yesterday's rainy weather. Below you will find a few updates from our classroom. Enjoy! 🌞💮🦋

Important Dates:

May 29th:
No School
Memorial Day


Spring Music Concert
Thank you so much to all of those that were able to attend Thursday's Kindergarten spring music concert. If you were unable to make it (or would like to show other family and friends) please use this link to view the full performance!

ABC Countdown!
It was another fun and exciting week for the ABC Countdown. Please enjoy a few pictures from each day of activities!

Exercise Day!

Game Day

Hat Day

Insect Day (A fun measuring activity)

Curriculum Update:

Last week in Fundations we learned to read the sight words they and with. Since "they" can be a challenging word to spell, we learned a special song to help us remember that there is no "a" in they! Click here to listen!

Reader's Workshop
Last week in Reader's Workshop we learned how to be avid readers of non fiction texts! Unlike fictional stories where the children practiced identifying the feelings of the characters, avid readers of non fiction, or teaching books, make note about the parts of the book that impress them and make them say "wow!". Avid readers in this genre also think about parts of the book that they may have questions about. 

In math we reviewed that teen numbers are a group of ten, and then "some more". We practiced looking at teen numbers in tally, unifix cube, and ten frame form, and practiced writing number sentences for each representation. For example, 10+4=14. We also learned to reverse number sentences, so if 10+2=12, then 12=10=2!

Writer's Workshop
Last week in Writer's Workshop we continue to identify and solve real world problems through our opinion writing pieces. The class received more detailed instruction as to how to write a persuasive letter and practiced adding multiple reasons to their identified problem in order to make their writing more convincing!

It was a bittersweet time in science as we let our butterflies fly free on Thursday. In the week ahead we will continue to learn, and show what we know about the butterfly life cycle!

Snapshots from Specials


Art (pulling a print)

Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to watch us learn, grow, and play in the wonderful world that is K! 🍎📖🚌