A Peek At Our Week!

Sunday, January 8, 2023

 I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. It was SO nice to finally see the sun again! Last week was a busy one as we settled back into our daily schedule and routines. It was so busy that I didn't take many pictures (my apologies!). 

Important Dates:

January 13th:
No School
Professional Development Day

January 16th:
No School


Quiet Time Towels
Quiet time towels were sent home for washing on Friday. Please return your child's clean towel to school tomorrow (Monday). Thank you so much for your help!

Movie Project
We were SO excited to welcome three students from Walpole High last week as they came to scope out our classroom for their upcoming movie project! Filming in tentatively scheduled to begin in February, and we couldn't be more thrilled to be a part of their movie. Please be sure to sign and return the permission slip that was sent home before the winter break if you are comfortable with your child appearing on screen. Thank You!

Fun fact: One of the screen writers was a first grade student of mine MANY years ago. She is now a senior!! 

Curriculum Update

Last week in Fundations we practiced reading the sight word an. The children were also introduced to the concept of "tapping out" the sounds they hear in words. Click here to learn more about tapping!

Reader's Workshop
It was an exciting time in Reader's Workshop last week as we began Unit 2 in our Lucy Calkins curriculum! This unit focuses on developing our reading superpowers, or the different strategies we can use when encountering unknown words. Last week's superpowers were snap/sight word power, pointer power, and slide/tapping power.  I am looking forward to supporting the children as they develop and apply their reading super powers during Reader's Workshop for the remainder of the school year!

The students above practice reading vowel, consonant, vowel words (also known as CVC words) such as mat, pig, and hot. At this point in the year the majority of students are using their slide/tapping power to read these words. With frequent exposure and practice, quicker and more automatic reading of these words will develop.

Costumes always make learning new things more fun! We had a great time practicing our first three reading super powers this week!

Writer's Workshop
In Writer's Workshop last week we also began Unit 2 which focuses on personal narrative, or true stories. The class learned that all stories must have a beginning, middle, and end, and enjoyed writing pieces about real life experiences they've had. We will continue to wwork on our true stories this week in class!

It was a busy week in math as we completed Unit 3 in our Bridges curriculum. We continued to practice our addition and subtraction skills as well as doubling numbers in our lessons. At the end of the week we also circled back to tally marks as a way to count groups of five, and began exploring numbers that, when added together, make the number five (i.e. 1 and 4, 5 and 0, 2 and 3). 

It was teachers vs. students on Friday as we played a new tally game! Each team took a handful of popsicle sticks and organized them like tally marks. We then spun a spinner and whichever group had the outcome spun (greater or less) won that round. The teachers came out victorious in Friday's whole class game, but I know the students are eager to take on the title of "winner" when they play the game with partners during Work Stations in the upcoming week. 

                              Nothing like a little free choice time with friends on a rainy Friday afternoon!

Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to watch us learn, grow, and play in the wonderful world that is K!

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