A Peek At Our Week!

Sunday, January 29, 2023

 I hope everyone had a great weekend! There are many fun and exciting events coming up in the weeks ahead. Please see the announcements section below for some important details. 😊

Important Dates:

February 5th:
The 100th Day of School!

February 14th:
Valentines Day
(See below for details)

February 9th:
Early Release
Report Cards Available on Aspen/X2

February 19th-22nd
No School
February Vacation


The 100th Day of School! 
The 100th day of school will fall on Monday, February 5th. To celebrate, our class will be having a t-shirt fashion show! Please refer to the notice that was sent home with your child last week for specific details. You can also click here to view the notice. In need of an idea? Try one of these!
*Although the notice asks your child to bring their t-shirt to school by Friday, February 2nd, if it's easier for them to wear it to school on Monday the 5th that's fine with me! Please don't hesitate to let me know if you need help purchasing a plain t-shirt. A shirt you already have around the house is ok too!

Valentine's Day 💘
Our class will be celebrating Valentines Day on Wednesday, February 14th! As part of our celebration we will be exchanging valentines. Please click here for some helpful hints and tips for making our celebration an enjoyable one for your child. Please note food and candy is not allowed. A hard copy of this notice will be sent home this week. 

Star Student ⭐
Congratulations to Drew who was our Star Student last week! We look forward to learning about, and celebrating another friend from our class in the week ahead!

Awesome 80s Day!

Curriculum Update:

Last week in Fundations we practiced reading the sight word has. We also continued to practice tapping or sliding CVC words such as hat, mug, and pot. Lastly, we reviewed how to write the uppercase letters O-Z. In the week ahead we will continue to practice CVC words and review the parts, and how to write a sentence.

The students above fist bump last week's sight word (and a review word) on their way out of the classroom. This is a fun and easy way to provide more exposure and practice to our weekly sight words. If you would like some fist bump cards to use at home please don't hesitate to let me know. I am more than happy to provide them!

Last week we added a sight word search to our practice routine. The children had a great time looking for the word "has"and seeing how many times they could find it.

In math we continue to learn about measurement using nonstandard units! A highlight of our week was measuring the length of our foot using pasta, paper clips, unifix cubes, and plastic pennies!

Reader's Workshop
In Reader's Workshop we continue to apply our reading superpowers to decodable texts. Last week we also explored making connections with the main character of the story we are reading, and using our voices to reflect how the character is feeling.

Writer's Workshop
In Writer's Workshop the children are still working on their personal narrative/true stories. We are spending more time on stretching out the sounds we hear in words, and writing as many sounds (including vowels!) as we can. 

Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to watch us learn, grow, and play in the wonderful world that is K! 🍎📖🚌

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