I hope everyone had a great weekend! There are many fun and exciting events coming up in the weeks ahead. Please see the announcements section below for some important details. 😊
Important Dates:
I hope everyone had a great weekend! There are many fun and exciting events coming up in the weeks ahead. Please see the announcements section below for some important details. 😊
Important Dates:
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Please see below for a few highlights from our week. 😊
I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend! A friendly reminder that class is back in session tomorrow, Tuesday, January 17th. I'm looking forward to seeing all my Kindergarten friends!
Important Dates:
As part of "Emmanuel Day" the Kindergarten classes will be invited to participate in Friday's school store (school store is normally for students in grades 1-5). Also, ALL of the proceeds from the School Store that day will be going directly to Emmanuel's family. If your child does not want anything from the School Store but still wants to donate...no problem! We will have a container in the front lobby for students to donate. This is a day for the Boyden School to show their support for Emmanuel and his family. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions!
Quiet Time
Over the past several weeks we have restructured how Quiet Time looks in our classroom. While this is still a quiet, relaxing time where students adjust back to the classroom after lunch and prepare for the busy afternoon, more options such as drawing, puzzles, and finishing work at the tables has also been included during this time. As a result, many students have not been using their quiet time towels as often. Starting this week, Quiet Time towels will now be optional in our classroom. Students who do choose to bring a towel to school will still have it returned home on Friday for washing.
Curriculum Update:
Last week in Fundations we practiced reading the sight word can. We also continued to practice our "tapping" skills and became more comfortable with applying them to various CVC words. Additionally, we began to review how we write our uppercase letters. While we spent an entire week learning how to write each lowercase letter at the beginning of the year, our uppercase review is moving MUCH quicker, and we are practicing how to write two letters each day!
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. It was SO nice to finally see the sun again! Last week was a busy one as we settled back into our daily schedule and routines. It was so busy that I didn't take many pictures (my apologies!).
Important Dates:
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