A Peek At Our Week!

Sunday, October 23, 2022

 I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I friendly reminder that Parent/Teacher Conferences begin this week. I am looking forward to chatting with you about your child's transition to Kindergarten!

Important Dates:

October 26th:
Parent/Teacher Conferences
6:00-8:00pm (In Person)

October 28th:
Early Release 
Parent/Teacher Conferences
1:15-3:15pm (In Person and Virtual)

November 3rd:
Parent/Teacher Conferences
6:00-8:00pm (Virtual Only)


Show and Tell Unit
On Friday your child brought home a notice about our upcoming "Show and Tell" writing unit. In order to launch this unit successfully, the Kindergarten teachers are asking that each child bring in one special object to write about. It should be something that can stay at school for the week and is small enough to fit in a gallon size ziplock bag. Please have your child bring their object to school on Monday, October 24th (tomorrow) as we will be using them in class on Tuesday. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Quiet Time Towels
Quiet Time towels were sent home for washing on Friday. Please return your child's clean towel to school tomorrow (Monday). Thank you!

Curriculum Update:

Last week in Fundations the children learned about the letters a and g. We also practiced reading the sight words "you" and "of". Our color of the week was brown!

In math we completed the first unit in our new Bridges curriculum! Last week's lessons focused on patterns. The class learned that patterns are colors, pictures, words, or movements that repeat. In the week ahead we will start Unit 2 which will continue to strengthen your child's understanding of numbers to ten,

The students above create colorful fall patterns.

Reader's Workshop
Fall poems continued to be our focus in Reader's Workshop last week. We also learned about syllables which we now practice during Hegggerty time. 

We had so much fun sorting ourselves by the number of syllables in our names! We discovered that the greatest number of friends have two syllables in their names.

Writer's Workshop
It was an exciting time in Writer's Workshop last week as we completed our illustrators unit! The children learned how to use a "big line" to organize their pictures and show objects that can be found in the sky, on the ground, and under the ground/water. We also learned that when our pictures include characters and a detailed setting we can tell stories about the work we create. Next week we will begin our Show and Tell unit in our Lucy Calkins program. Please be sure your child brings a small item from home to write about!

We are illustrators!

A silly picture was a must! 😂

On Wednesday we enjoyed a visit from Mrs. Audet who taught us to use colors to show different emotions during her Social/Emotional Learning lesson. We continue to welcome Mrs. Audet into our classroom every other Wednesday and enjoy the read alouds and activities that she provides!

Last week in music the class got to use instruments for the very first time! Mrs. Cassani was thrilled to report that the friends in Room 115 did EXCELLENT listening and direction following. I am so incredibly proud of them!

Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to watch us learn, grow and play in the wonderful world that is K! :)

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