I hope everyone enjoyed a beautiful long weekend! Please take a peek below to see upcoming important dates, announcments, and curriculum updates.
Important Dates:
October 21st:
Picture Day
October 26th:
Parent/Teacher Conferences
6:00-8:00pm (In Person)
October 28th:
Early Release
Parent/Teacher Conferences
1:15-3:15pm (In Person and Virtual)
November 3rd:
Parent/Teacher Conferences
6:00-8:00pm (Virtual Only)
Quiet Time Towels
Quiet Time towels were sent home for washing on Friday. Please return your child's clean towel to school tomorrow (Tuesday). Thank you!
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences are right around the corner! This year both virtual and in-person conferences appointments are available. Please use the links in Mr. Dearborn's SMORE (they are also available on Boyden's website) to schedule your time to speak with me.
Curriculum Update:
Last week in Fundations the children were introduced to the vowels i, and u. We learned that vowels are letters that make more than one sound, and noticed that our vowel Fundations cards are a different color (a pinkish orange) than our other cards. We also practiced reading the sight words "is" and "his".
Reader's Workshop
Reading and science came together once again as the class read fun fall poems last week! We enjoyed listening for rhyming words and finding sight words in all of the poems that we read.
The students above create beautiful fall art to hang on our classroom bulletin board. They also completed a fall sentence by writing in the sight word "the".
Last week in math we practiced recognizing, counting, and writing numbers to five! The five frame was a major focus of our instruction, and by the end of the week the students were getting very efficient at recognizing numbers in five frames quickly. They also enjoyed playing a game called "Spill the Beans" where they had to count the number of red beans spilled and trace that number on their recording sheet.
Writer's Workshop
In Writer's Workshop we continue to work on our illustration unit. Last week the class used pattern block/tangram shapes to make pictures of things such as cars and trees. At the end of the week the class worked hard to use shapes to create their own shape houses!
The students above take a gallery walk as they enjoy pictures created by their peers.
Thank You Mrs. Carroll!
A big thank you to Mrs. Carroll, Boyden's technology specialist, who introduced us to Chromebooks on Friday! The class learned how to care for their Chromebook, turn it on and off, and even log in using their very own username and password. This week we will continue to practice logging in and begin to use ST Math.
Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to watch us learn, grow, and play in the wonderful world that is K!
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