A Peek At Our Week!

Saturday, September 17, 2022

 The children settled into Room 115 nicely as we spent our first full week of school together! Last week we continued to practice classroom routines and also review expected behaviors.  I couldn't be more pleased with how quickly everyone is acclimating to Kindergarten life!

 Important Dates:

September 20th:
Open House/Curriculum Night
(Parents/Guardians Only)

September 23rd:
Half Day of School
(No Lunch Served)


Boyden Folders
It's so nice to finally have our Boyden folders! Please be sure to check your child's folder (nightly if possible) for important notices and information. Any class work or announcements should be removed and kept at home unless otherwise noted. Thanks so much for your help!

Quiet Time Towels
Your child's Quiet Time towel was sent home on Friday to be washed. Please return their clean towel to school on Monday. Thanks so much for your help!

Curriculum Update:

Lots of Literacy learning was happening in our classroom last week! We read the story The Little School Bus by Carol Roth which helped us answer the question, "How do children get to school?" We also began our Fundations program which taught us important practices such as how to hold our writing tools and have proper body posture, as well as how to "sky write" our letters. At the end of the week the students were introduced to the letter "T"!

Rhyming was another focus of my instruction last week, and the students enjoyed participating in both whole group and partner activities to help practice this skill! We also had a blast making our own Rhyming Dust Bunnies after ready the book with the same title by Jan Thomas. 

Dot Day!
Another highlight of our week was celebrating International Dot Day on September 15th! We marked this day by reading the book The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds and creating our own colorful watercolor dots!

The children continue to enjoy our new special, Media/Stem, with Mrs. Moses! Last week the class participated in many Dot Day activites and even played an exciting game of musical books (like musical chairs!). This fun game gave the class a sneak peak at some of the titles available in the media center as they will be allowed to start checking out books during this week's visit!

Thanks so much for taking a peek at out week! Please check back soon to soon for all that is new in Room 115!

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