A Peek At Our Week!

Sunday, April 25, 2021

 Happy rainy Sunday! A friendly reminder that classes will resume tomorrow, Monday, April 26th. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone back together again in Room 202 and hearing about the wonderful spring breaks that were had!

Important Dates:

April 27th:
Picture Day


Earth Day!
Our class had an awesome time learning about and celebrating Earth Day before vacation! We learned that recycling, conserving electricity and water, and donating our old clothes and toys are just a few ways that we can reduce waste and keep our earth healthy and clean!

The students above are taking a closer look at the aftermath of an experiment that showed the impact of pollution on our water.

The class did a fantastic job writing about the ways we can help protect our earth and make it a better place to live!

In math we began a unit on Geometry and explored two dimensional shapes. During our lessons we learned and discussed the names and attributes of circles, squares, rectangles, triangles, and hexagons. This week we will begin to explore three dimensional, or solid shapes!

A shape hunt was the perfect way to kick off our unit on two dimensional figures. We noticed that circles, squares, rectangles, triangles, and hexagons were all around us in our classroom!

We ended our week by making shape pizza's! The class really enjoyed this fun (and yummy) activity!

In Fundations we continued to learn and about and read words with digraphs! We reviewed that the letters sh, th, ch, wh, and ck are all digraphs because, when joined together, they make one new sound. One way we practiced our digraph sounds was by playing a fun game called Scoot! During the game the children rotated through cards and had to write down the digraph for each picture shown before I yelled "scoot!". This was a great way to get the class moving and learning at the same time!

Reader's Workshop
It was an exciting time in Reader's Workshop as the students continued to work with their partners and book clubs to explore nonfiction texts! Before vacation we continued to familiarize ourselves with various nonfiction books and even compared the similarities and differences between books on the same topic. On Friday, Mrs. Miles introduced us to a new genre of text, poetry! We had a great time reading many new poems and exploring their rhythm and rhyme!

Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to see all that is new in Room 202!

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