I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend. It was so nice to finally see the sun again! Please enjoy a peek at all of the fantastic learning that took place in our classroom last week!
Last week in Literacy we practiced reading the sight words to and a. We also learned about the letters g and a in Fundations!
Practicing our letters using white boards has quickly become one of our favorite Fundations activities!
Literacy Centers provided a great opportunity for the children to practice reading their sight words!
Our class has continued to work hard to develop our writing skills! Last week we learned that writers can use more than one page to share their ideas. The students then began using multiple pages to create their own teaching books. We had a great time writing about things that we know!
On Monday Mrs. Myles visited our class and was a great help during writing time!
The writers above are busy at work creating their teaching books!
On Friday the class enjoyed participating in a gallery walk where they were able to look at all of the teaching books their peers had been working on.
Last week in math we began to compare numbers to 10! We used the words more, fewer, and same as to describe groups of objects we counted.
Mrs. Tilton Visits!
We were excited to welcome Mrs. Tilton back to our classroom last week! During her visit she introduced the class to Whole Body Listening Larry and taught us that listening happens with more than just your ears! The children has a fun time making a connection between whole body listening and the parts of Mr. Potato Head!
Reading Buddies!
Our week ended on a great note as we met our new Reading Buddies! Every Friday afternoon our class will be getting together with second graders from Mrs. Davis' room to enjoy some wonderful stories.
Field Trip
Our field trip to Franklin Park Zoo will take place this Friday, October 18th. Please be sure to send your child's signed permission slip and fee ($11) to school tomorrow if you have not already done so. A notice with helpful tips and reminders will be send home at the beginning of the week in order to ensure that our trip is a successful one. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!
A friendly reminder that tomorrow (Tuesday) is library day. Please have your child bring their book to school with them so that they will be able to check out a new one. Thanks so much for all of your help!
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