Field Trip
Our class will be heading to Franklin Park Zoo on Friday, October 18th! Permission slips for this trip were sent home last week. Please be sure to return your child's signed permission slip, as well as the $11 fee by this Friday. Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have!
Quiet Time Towels
On Friday your child brought home their Quiet Time towel for washing. Please be sure to send their clean towel back to school tomorrow (Monday). Towels will be send home at the beginning of each month to be cleaned.
Curriculum Update:
Last week in Literacy the children were introduced to the sight words 'the' and 'little'. We also learned about the letters C and O in Fundations!
The children below are working hard to find words with the letter C while completing their first Write the Room activity!
Literacy Centers were a great way to gain exposure to our new sight words, as well as practice old concepts such as counting syllables in words!
We ended the week by creating our own octopus projects for the letter O! We kicked off the lesson by reading Inky's Amazing Escape, a book about an octopus who escaped from the New Zealand Aquarium in 2016.
The students above enjoyed reading nonfiction texts to learn more about octopuses!
For the last few weeks our class has been busy practicing our writing skills while using the Lucy Calkins writing program. While at this point in the school year we are telling stories and what we know through pictures, last week we began adding letters and words to our work through labeling!
The student above was a great sport and bravely volunteered to let us label him!
The students then applied their labeling skills to a picture that was provided to them. As you can see, labels at this time mostly consist of beginning and sometimes ending sounds.
The anchor chart above provides our classroom writers with a guide for how they can expand and add more detail to their work.
Numbers to 20 was the focus of our learning last week in class. The children continued to get hands on practice with this skill through highly engaging games and activities. Math Center time has quickly become one of our favorite times of the day!
Innovation Lab
We were excited to return to the Innovation Lab on Wednesday where Mrs. Carroll taught us how to use the Sock Puppet app! This fun app allowed the children to record their voices and make silly sock puppets talk. Mrs. Carroll challenged the students to remember and record the three rules of digital safety: ask for permission, follow the rules, and click carefully!
I hope you enjoyed taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to see all that is new in Room 202!
Wow! Looks like another fantastic week in K! Love the labeling of the brave student to support labeling pictures in Writer's Workshop. Genius! Also love the anchor chart to support students in being independent writers. Thanks for sharing!