October 29th:
Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 31st:
Black and Orange Day
Curriculum Update:
Personal Best Karate
On Tuesday, the kindergarten, first, and second graders enjoyed a presentation by Mr. Mosca from Personal Best Karate in Norwood! Mr. Mosca discussed the importance of respect and self-discipline, while also teaching the children appropriate ways to stand up for themselves. Personal Best Karate will be running an after school program for students which will be starting in a few weeks. Information about this program was sent home with your child on Friday. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!
Last week in math we completed our unit on counting numbers to 20! The children had a great time practicing their counting skills as they completed self-selected center activities.
It was a busy week for Literacy learning in our classroom! The class practiced reading two new sight words, have and is and also learned about the letters R and E in Fundations!
As a fun Friday project the class enjoyed making rainbows for the letter R!
Mrs. Tilton Visits!
Last week we welcomed Mrs. Tilton back to Room 202 for a very special visit. Mrs. Tilton began a unit on feelings and spoke with the class about things that make them feel happy!
Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to see all that is new in Room 202!