The children settled into Room 202 nicely as we spent our first full week of school together! Last week we continued to practice classroom routines and also review expected behaviors. I couldn't be more pleased with how quickly everyone is acclimating to Kindergarten life!
Boyden Folders
Please be sure to check your child's Boyden Folder (nightly if possible) for important notices and information. Any class work or announcements should be removed and kept at home unless otherwise noted. Thanks so much for your help!
Open House
A friendly reminder that this Wednesday, September 18th is Open House Night at Boyden School! All friends, family, and neighbors are invited to come take a peek at Room 202 and see what we have been learning about in our first few weeks together! Open House will be from 6:00-7:30pm. I hope to see you there!
Room Parent Needed
At this time I am still in need of one Room Parent for our classroom. The main responsibilities of the room
parents are to organize the holiday celebrations for our class (2-3 for the year) as well as provide snacks for
Field Day. Please let me know if you are interested!!!
Curriculum Update:
Room Parent Needed
At this time I am still in need of one Room Parent for our classroom. The main responsibilities of the room
parents are to organize the holiday celebrations for our class (2-3 for the year) as well as provide snacks for
Field Day. Please let me know if you are interested!!!
Curriculum Update:
Lots of Literacy learning was happening in our classroom last week! We read the story The Little School Bus by Carol Roth which helped us answer the question, "How do children get to school?" We also began our Fundations program which taught us about the letters T, B, and F!
After reading The Little School Bus we created a class graph for how we get to school each day. Our graph showed that most students come to school on a bus!
Rhyming was another focus of my instruction last week, and the students enjoyed participating in both whole group and partner activities to help practice this skill!
Last week in math we dove into Topic 1 of our Envision program! This topic focuses on counting numbers to 5 and the children participated in many fun games and activities which helped them practice this skill!
On Friday we got up and moving as the class completed learning centers! Our center activities included
both Literacy and Math concepts such as counting, rhyming, and character identification.
both Literacy and Math concepts such as counting, rhyming, and character identification.
I hope everyone enjoyed taking a peek at our week! I hope you check back soon to see all that is new in the wonderful world that is Room 202! :)
Looks like a super fun week!