A Peek At Our Week!

Sunday, September 29, 2019 No comments
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and had the chance to enjoy the beautiful weather! Please enjoy a few highlights from our very busy classroom!

Curriculum Update:

We continue to practice our letters and sounds in Fundations and the children seem to be enjoying the repetition and predictability of the program. Last week was exciting as we learned about the letters I and U and discussed how they are called by a special name, vowels! 

In math the children practiced counting numbers from 1-10 while participating in a wide range of fun games and activities. Not only are the students getting ample practice with their traditional counting skills but a significant focus has been placed on subitizing as well. Want to know more about subitizing? Click here!

Math Centers have been a highly engaging way for the children to practice their counting skills. The students above enjoy playing "war" with Greg Tang cards. These cards show numbers being represented in various forms including numerals, fingers, words, and ten frames!

Sticker caterpillars were not only a great way for the children to practice counting, they were also fantastic for fine motor development!

On Friday the class enjoyed learning to play the game "I Have, Who Has?" as they practiced their listening, counting, and subitizing skills!

We also enjoyed a visit from Mrs. Kelly who is our Elementary Math Consultant! Mrs. Kelly taught us how to represent numbers in different ways using counters. The class had a great time learning new ways to think about math as a result of Mrs. Kelly's visit. We can't wait for her to come back soon!

Welcome Mrs. Tilton!
Last week we were excited to welcome Boyden's guidance counselor, Mrs. Tilton, to Room 202 for her first formal lesson! Mrs. Tilton read us a great story about feelings and discussed the many different feelings people can have. We are looking forward to her next visit during the second week of October!

Social Studies
In social studies we celebrated the birthday of Johnny Appleseed! The class enjoyed learning many new facts about Johnny Appleseed including that his real name was John Chapman, he was born in Massachusetts, and he lived more than 200 years ago!

Innovation Lab
Another highlight of our week was getting to visit the Innovation Lab for the first time! Mrs, Carroll, Boyden's Technology Specialist, did a wonderful lesson on digital citizenship and taught the children many great rules to follow when using technology and going online.

It sure was a busy week in our classroom! Thanks so much for stopping by, and be sure to check back soon to see all that is new in Room 202!

A Peek At Our Week!

Sunday, September 22, 2019 No comments
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed the summer-like weather! Please take a moment to see all the fun that was had in our classroom last week!

School Safety
On Monday we welcomed Officer Hart and Officer Crown to Boyden School! They did an excellent job talking to the students about school safety and the importance of stopping, looking, and listening to the adults around them in an emergency situation.

It looks like Rebel has heard Officer Hart and Officer Crown's safety speech one too many times!

Another highlight of our week was visiting the Media Center (library) for the first time! We met the Media Specialist, Mrs. Moses, and got a tour of Boyden's library. Please note that library day will be on Tuesdays. Please be sure that your child returns their book each week so that they are able to check out a new one!

Last week in Literacy we learned about the letters M and N through our Fundations program. The children are adapting quickly to the language and routines in the program and have enjoyed using whiteboards and magnets to practice their letters and sounds!

We also learned that syllables are the number of "beats" in a word. The class had a great time counting the number of syllables in their names!

Click below to view two of the fun videos we watched to help us learn about syllables!

Scratch Garden (Syllables)

Jack Hartmann

In math we continued to practice counting numbers to 5! The children have been doing a wonderful job with this concept and enjoyed playing many fun games last week which helped them practice this skill! This week we will focus on counting numbers 6-10!

Roll and Build was a great activity to get the students counting! Making cube towers was an especially fun part of this game!

The class also learned how to play Counting War during Center Time last week. Partner games are always so much fun!

International Dot Day!
Last week our class had a great time celebrating International Dot Day, a day that recognizes the much-loved story The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds. In recognition of this day, the class enjoyed creating their own colorful dots, as well as taking a story walk outside!

A big 'Thank You' to Mrs. Miles, one of Boyden's amazing reading specialists, for joining us on our walk!

Classroom Wish List:
Our Classroom is currently in need of the following items. Any contributions would be greatly appreciated!

  • Tissues
  • Clorox Wipes
Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to see all that is new in Room 202! :)