A Peek At Our Week!

Sunday, November 24, 2024

  I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! It was another busy week in Room 115. Please enjoy a few of the highlights below! 😊

Important Dates:

November 26th:
Picture Retake Day

November 27th:
Early Release
Thanksgiving Break

November 28th & 29th:
No School
Thanksgiving Break


Gifts for Kids 🎁
Our class will once again be participating in the Gifts for Kids program this holiday season (a notice with details was sent home on Friday). If you would like to contribute a gift, please send me an email or quick note to let me know that your child has permission to pick a tag from the class poster.  Thank you!

A big thank you to Vivian and Juliet from Mrs. Ivatts' class who delivered our Gifts for Kids poster!

Hat Day!
Lots of fun was had on Friday as we had our very first hat day! We took the opportunity to read The Magic Hat by Mem Fox and even designed our own magic hats!

Curriculum Update:

Into Reading
Last week we continued Module 3 in our Into Reading curriculum, and worked hard to answer the question: "What makes a community?". The books A Bucket of Blessings by Kabir Sehgal and Bo and Peter by Besty Franco helped us deepen our understanding of what a community is, and why communities are important. We also practiced how to retell a story, as well as identify the theme of a given text.

We also explored the concept of a sentence and practiced sorting letters, words, and sentences during one of our whole group lessons.

Last week in Fundations the children learned about the letters l, h and k. We also practiced reading the sight word "have'. The color of the week was white!

To make our letter/sound warm up a bit more engaging, we did it Headbands style! The class provided the sound, and I had to guess the letter and picture. We also enjoyed sorting pictures that started with the letter of the week!

Last week the class was introduced to the concept of subtraction! We learned that subtracting means to "take away" and we can write subtraction number sentences (or equations) with the - and = symbols.

The students enjoyed using Boom Cards on the Touchview to practice their subtracting skills!

Writer's Workshop
Our writing has grown leaps and bounds in the past few weeks and I couldn't be more impressed with the children's progress! We have been stretching out our words to write labels with even more sounds, and last week, used sight words to begin to write full sentences. It sure is an exciting time in Room 115 for writing!

A Look Inside Specials! 👀

In music the class learned a new song called "This way, That way".

Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to watch us learn, grow, and play in the wonderful world that is K! 🍎🚌📖

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