A Peek At Our Week!

Sunday, September 22, 2024

  I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend despite the dreary weather! Please see below for a few highlights from our classroom last week. 😊

Important Dates:

September 25th:
Open House/Curriculum Night
(Parents/Guardians Only)

September 26th:
Happy Birthday Johnny Appleseed! 🍎
Students are welcome to wear red/apple themed clothing to celebrate!


Dismissal Nametags
Please be sure to have your child return the dismissal nametag/lanyard they used during the first week of school. I will be reusing them for our field trip later on this year. Thank you!

News from the PAC
Boyden PAC is excited to announce our NEW Halloween event this year. BOO BAGS!! 👻 Visit the link below to register and learn more about it!

Our annual baked goods fundraiser is currently underway as well! See the attached flyer and please place all orders by 10/11 🍪🍪!

Curriculum Update:

Last week we began our Fundations program, and learned about important practices such as how to hold our writing tools and have proper body posture, as well as how to "sky write" our letters. At the end of the week the students were introduced to the letter "T"! We also practiced reading the high frequency words to and the.

We continue to build our number sense in math as we explore numbers to 5. Last week we showed the numbers 1-5 on our five frame mats, and used our fingers to show how many boxes were full and how many were empty. At the end of the week we learned some fun number formation poems to help us with writting these numbers.

Writer's Workshop
Last week in Writer's Workshop we practiced a very important pre-writing skill, drawing! We learned that shapes such as circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles can be used to make pictures (and people too!). 

Special Guests
Last week we also welcomed many special guests into our classroom and school! We kicked off (literally) with a karate assembly! 

On Wednesday, Kindergarteners enjoyed a visit from Officer Hart and Rebel who taught us about school safety.

The children also enjoyed meeting Mrs. Arnold, Boyden's new Digital Learning Coach! Mrs. Arnold taught us how to take care of our Chromebook computers and helped with the tricky process of logging in for the first time, bootcamp style! If she happens to look a little familiar, it's because Mrs. Arnold is my twin sister!

Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
On Wednesday Mrs. Audet, one of Boyden's school counselors, came by for our first guidance/SEL lesson! She reviewed the Boyden behavior expectations and taught us about her job as a school counselor. She also introduced a new school-wide incentive about spreading positive gossip, or sharing the great things we notice about others!

Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to watch us learn, grow, and play in the wonderful world that is K! 🍎📖🚌

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