I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed today's beautiful weather! Please see below for a few updates from our classroom. 🌞
Important Dates:
March 6th:
Parent/Teacher Conferences
March 8th:
Early Release
Parent/Teacher Conferences
March 14th:
Parent/Teacher Conferences
March 22nd:
Early Release Day
12:25pm Dismissal
March 29th:
No School
Day of Low Attendance
Star Student ⭐
Congratulations to Elias who was our Star Student last week! We look forward to learning about, and celebrating another friend from our class in the week ahead!
Happy Leap Day!
We had a great time learning about, and celebrating Leap Day last week! The children participated in many frog themed activities including a subtraction word problem craft, CVC write the room activity, and a Hop to 100 dice game!
We also had fun reading our sight words with a frog toss game, and practiced counting to 100 by tens while hopping from lilypad to lilypad!
Last week in Fundations we practiced reading the sight words me and be. We also continued to practice tapping and/or sliding CVC words such as hat, mug, and pot, and also built CVC words using magnetic letters. In addition to our Fundations lessons, we also spent time reading words in the "og" word family. The students had fun making og dogs during center time!
In math we are continuing to learn about two dimensional shapes in our geometry unit! Last week we continued to sort shapes by various attributes including size, color, sides (straight vs. curved) and number of sides and corners.
Reader's Workshop
In reader's workshop we started our third unit of study. This unit focuses on boosting our reading super powers! Last week the students were introduced to "picture power" and using the pictures in books to stregthen their understanding of the stories they were reading. During our lessons we used the pictures in stories to help us understand more about the characters and setting, feelings of the charcters, and to make predictions about what might happen next. It is important to note that picture power is used to build your child's understanding and comprehension of texts NOT to help them read/decode the words on each page.
Writer's Workshop
Last week was an exciting one in Writer's Workshop as we began a unit on procedural or "how to" writing! To kick off the unit, the students enjoyed listening to many how to books including How to Make a Cupcake and How to Fish. We also worked together as a class to write the steps for how we start our day in Room 115!
Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to watch us learn, grow, and play in the wonderful world that is K! 🍎📖🚌
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