Field Day 2023!

Monday, June 12, 2023 No comments

 Field Day 2023 was a huge success! Thank you SO much to all of the parent volunteers for their help!! 🌞

A Peek At Our Week!

Sunday, June 11, 2023 No comments

 The final countdown is on and I can't believe there are only two and a half days left in the 2022-2023 school year! Boy did this year fly! Please enjoy a few updates, as well as some reminders, from our very busy classroom! 🌞

Important Dates:

June 12th:

Field Day (Rain Date June 13th)
*Please see the email that was sent out earlier this evening for tips/reminders

June 14th:
Last Day of School
Early Release
12:25pm Dismissal


ABC Countdown
It was another busy week for our ABC Countdown to Summer! Last week the class participated in stuffed animal, toy, USA, virtual field trip, and water/wild animal themed days. Please enjoy a few pictures from our fun (and also educational!) activities.

Stuffed Animal Day 🧸

Learning was extra fun with our furry friends!

Toy Day 

The class enjoyed drawing and writing their favorite toy on Toy Day! We also listening to the story Too Many Toys by David Shannon.

USA Day 

Virtual Field Trip Day 
The class completed many Dinsey themed learning activites to prepare for our virtual field trip to Disney World!

Mrs. Marinelli embraced the Disney theme in the art room as well!

After our specials it was time for our big trip! Each Kindergarten classroom was transformed into a different Disney ride. When in our classroom the children rode the tea cups. In Mrs. Field's room was Splash Mountain. Space Mountain was in Mrs. Lyons' room, and Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway in Mrs. Lempitsky's room!

Upon entering each classroom the children had to scan their special Disney bracelet!

Water and Wild Animal Day! 💧 
Water and wild animals came together as we spent a soggy (but fun!) day at Capron Park Zoo!

Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to watch us learn, grow, and play in the wonderful world that is K! 🍎📖🚌