I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Please enjoy a few updates from our classroom below!
mportant Dates:
February 14th:
Valentines Day
(See below for details)
February 20th:
February Vacation Begins
Valentine's Day 💓
A friendly reminder that we will be celebrating Valentine's Day in our classroom this Tuesday, February 14th. Please do not send valentines containing food or candy to school, and have your child remember to include all of their classmates (20 students). We don't want any broken hearts! Thank You!
Kindness Week
In the week ahead Boyden School will be observing kindness week. Each day we will participate in a different kindness themed activity, and discuss why kindness is so important in our school and community. Below is a complete list of each day's events. Please note that on Friday, February 17th we will be recognizing Pink Shirt Day. All students are asked to wear something pink on this day. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions!
Monday - Kindness to Ourselves: Kindness is like a sunny day: Wear bright colors!
Tuesday - Kindness to Peers/Friends: Compliment circle at Morning Meeting
Wednesday - Kindness in our School: Each class adopts a classroom and play games, read, or do a craft together
Thursday - Kindness to our Community: Kindness Card Day (write cards for people in the community: teachers, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, etc)
*We will complete our cards at school. No need to do anything at home!
Friday - Kindness to our World: Door decorating walk-through, kindness pledge
Pink Shirt Day: Wear pink to stomp out bullying and to promote kindness and empathy
Curriculum Update:
Last week in Fundations we practiced reading the sight word so. We also continued to practice tapping and/or sliding CVC words such as hat, mug, and pot, and also built CVC words using magnetic letters.
The students above work hard to highlight sight/"trick" words in a 100th day of school reading passage. This passage also contains a large number of CVC words which provided the class with the opportunity to practice their tapping/sliding skills!
Last week in math our lessons focused on money! While identfying and counting coins is not typically part of the Kindergarten curriculum, the Bridges Program aknowledges that money is often an engaging topic for students and helps provide young children with practice counting by ones and fives. The class enjoyed playing many money themed games including Beat You to 20 cents which is pictured below. We also did many counting actvities in honor of the 100th day of school.
Reader's Workshop
The children were busy reading from their book bags again last week as we completed our unit on reading superpowers! To end the unit, the students enjoyed some partner reading where they were able to show their peer their favorite reading super powers in action. In the week ahead we will have a super power celebration and embrace all we have learned throughout this very important unit!
Literacy Centers
Literacy centers were in full swing last week, and the students really enjoyed working independently as they practiced the sight word so, listened to a 100th day themed story, and practiced reading and writing words in the "ap" word family. Literacy centers have quickly become one of our favorite parts of the day!
Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to watch us learn, grow, and play in the wonderful world that is K!
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