I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! It was another busy week in Room 115. Please enjoy a few of the highlights below.
Important Dates:
December 9th:
Early Release
12:25pm Dismissal
December 26th-January 2nd
Holiday Break
No School
Thank You Mrs. Dacko!
A big thank you to my right hand woman Mrs. Dacko for holding down the fort and keeping our routines and procedures consistent last week while I was out sick! Mrs. Dacko is truly the best and I would be lost without her! I'm looking forward to being back at school this week and I'm crossing my fingers for a healthier holiday season and 2023 for me and my family!
Curriculum Update:
Last week in Fundations the children learned about the letters v. and w. They also practiced reading the sight word "have". Our color of the week was gray!
In math the class began to explore the concept of skip counting, specifically counting by 2s! They used the wheels on a bicycle to practice this skill, and even worked hard to draw a bicycle on their own.
The class also used their bicycle pictures to notice patterns in the numbers when counting by 2s. A big thank you to Boyden's math coach, Mrs. Rinaldi, for helping with some of our math lessons last week!
Reader's Workshop
Last week in Reader's Workshop we continued to enjoy old storybook favorites such as The Three Billy Goats Gruff, Caps for Sale, and The Carrot Seed. We learned that readers use their voice to make stories come alive, and that as we become experts on a book, we should be able to retell more of the story each time.
The students above work hard to create character puppets to go with the story The Three Billy Goats Gruff. These puppets helped them to practice their character voices when retelling the story.
The students also practiced their sequencing skills as they ordered the events from the story Caps for Sale.
Writer's Workshop
In Writer's Workshop the children continued to work on their all about Boyden books! While most students continue to write by adding labels to their pictures, the concept of sentences was introduced to the class last week. They learned that sentences are a group of words that always begin with an uppercase letter, end with an ending mark, and include finger spaces.
The class used whiteboards to practice writing simple sentences.
Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon as we continue to learn, grow, and play in the wonderful world that is K!
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