Happy New Year! I hope everyone enjoyed a fun, safe, and healthy holiday! A friendly reminder that classes resume tomorrow, January 3rd. I can't wait to welcome back the Room 202 crew and hear about all of the fun that was had over the winter break.
Important Dates:
January 14th:
No School
Staff Training
January 17th:
No School
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Special Tomorrow
Tomorrow we will have our Day 1 special which is guidance with Mrs. Aissis. A complete specials calendar for the month of January will be sent home tomorrow afternoon with your child. Please be sure to check their Boyden folder.
Library Tomorrow!
A friendly reminder that our class visits the library/media center on Mondays. Please have your child return their book so that they are able to select a new one. Please also return your child's clean quiet time towel as well. Thanks so much for all of your help! :)
Curriculum Update:
The week before vacation was spent enjoying all things gingerbread! We read the books The Gingerbread Man, The Gingerbread Girl, Gingerbread Baby and Gingerbread Friends. (just to name a few!). After reading these stories we practiced sequencing the events, comparing and contrasting the books and even completed some fun crafts! The learning before vacation sure was sweet!
We even incorporated some gingerbread fun into science as we completed an experiment which had the children hypothesize and then observe what happened to gingerbread cookies when they were placed in water, vinegar, and soda. The experiment resulted in some soggy and crumbly gingerbread cookies!
It was an exciting time for writing as we finish our Show and Tell unit before vacation! To celebrate, we transformed our dramatic play market into a bookstore where every child's finished pieces were on display! A big "thank you" to Mrs. Miles who arranged for some fifth grade students to come "shop" in our store. The class was SO proud to show off and share their work!
Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to see all that is new in Room 202!
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