A Peek At Our Week!

Sunday, January 30, 2022 No comments

 I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and stayed safe and warm in yesterday's snowy weather! The next few weeks are going to be VERY busy in Room 202. Please see below for a few important announcements/reminders as well as pictures from our week! 

 Important Dates:

February 2nd:
Crazy Sock Day!

February 8th:
100th Day of School
T-Shirt Project Due

February 11th:
Early Release Day
No Lunch Served

February 14th:
Valentine's Day!

February 21st-25th
Winter Break
No School


Valentine's Day
On Monday, Feburary 14th we will be celebrating Valentine's Day in our classroom! As part of our celebration the children are welcome to bring in valentines to give out. A notice with details will be sent home tomorrow, but please find a few important pieces of information below.
  • We have 17 students in our class
  • In Kindergarten it is recommended that your child just sign THEIR name to the cards and not individually address each one (This makes the distribution process MUCH easier!)
  • No food or candy is allowed
  • Please make sure your child has a valentine for each student in our class. We don't want any broken hearts!
Snow Gear
A friendly reminder that students who bring snow gear (snowpants, boots, gloves/mittens, etc.) to school WILL be allowed to go in the snow. Please help your child practice putting on their snow gear independently. Thank you!

Library Tomorrow!
A friendly reminder that our class visits the library/media center on Mondays. Please have your child return their book so that they are able to select a new one. Please also return your child's clean quiet time towel as well. Thanks so much for all of your help! :)

Curriculum Update:

This Week's Sight Word: go

Last week in Fundations we completed Unit 2 which focused on writing our uppercase letters. A friendly reminder that the parent information packets that gets sent home each week have great practice pages inside! If you are looking for additional materials to have your child practice their handwriting skills at home please don't hesitate to reach out!

Reader's Workshop
It was a SUPER exciting time in Reader's Workshop last week as we celebrated our reading superpowers! On Friday, Super Reader Man sent us a special mystery package and note inducting us into the Super League of Readers!

What could be in the box???

Congratulations Super Readers!

In math we practiced counting to 100 by tens! We complete many fun hand-on activities to help us practice this skill, and enjoyed listening to this very catchy Jack Hartmann song!

The chilly winter weather was perfect as we continued to learn about polar animals! Our focus during last week's lessons was the polar bear, and we had a fantastic time learning many new polar bear facts! Like, did you know polar bears have two layers of fur? Our learning culiminated in a VERY hands on science experiment which had the children  use vegetable shortening to demonstrate how blubber keeps polar animals warm!

Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to see all that is new in Room 202!
Sunday, January 23, 2022 No comments

Happy Sunday! I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! Please enjoy a few pictures from our classroom, as well as some important curriculum reminders/updates. Have a great week!

Important Dates:

February 11th:
Early Release Day
No Lunch Served

February 21st-25th
Winter Break
No School


Upcoming Events!
February is going to be a busy and exciting time in Room 202! Please be on the lookout for information about the 100th Day of School and Valentine's Day which will be sent home this week.

Library Tomorrow!
A friendly reminder that our class visits the library/media center on Mondays. Please have your child return their book so that they are able to select a new one. Please also return your child's clean quiet time towel as well. Thanks so much for all of your help! :)

Curriculum Update:

This Week's Sight Word: has

Last week in Fundations we continued to review our uppercase letters and practiced writing H-N in our Fundations notebooks. We also practiced our tapping skills daily as we work hard to read CVC words such as hat, dog, and fan. While I do not require the activities in the Fundations parent information packet to be returned to school, there are some great handwriting pages in this week's packet if you are looking for extra opportunities for your child to practice their handwriting skills at home!

Reader's Workshop
The super readers in Room 202 continued to learn about, and pratice their reading superpowers during Reader's Workshop last week! Throughout this unit your child has learned various "superpowers" that can they use when encountering unknown words in the books that they read. The superpowers we have learned so far include pointer power, re-read power, picture power, snap word power, and partner power! Your child has the opportunity to practice using their reading superpowers everyday during Read to Self time in our classroom. This week we will continue to practice using our superpowers, and on Friday, have a very special super reader celebration!

The students above use their Partner Power during Read to Self time!

Last week in math we practiced writing our teen numbers! We used the songs below to kick off our lessons and boy are they catchy! I encourage you to have your child sing them to you at home! Jack Hartmann Teen Numbers       Teen Number Song & Routine

The students above practice writing their teen numbers as the complete an activity called Race to Trace!

We are enbracing the cold winter weather in science as we learn about polar animals! Last week our focus was on walruses and the class had a great time learning many new facts about this cold loving animal! This week we will learn all about polar bears!

Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to see all that is new in Room 202!

Sunday, January 9, 2022 No comments

 I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend and stayed safe and warm during Friday's snow event! It was great to be back together in Room 202 last week, and the new year is off to a busy start in our class. Please enjoy a few of the highlights below!

Important Dates:

January 14th:
No School 
Staff Training

January 17th:
No School
Martin Luther King Jr. Day


Snow Gear
A friendly reminder that we are outdoors for recess as much as possible, even during the winter months. Please be sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather and remember to send a warm coat, hat, and mittens or gloves to school each day. Children who also bring snow pants and boots will be allowed to play in the snow. Please pack your child's snow gear in a separate bag and be sure that each item is labeled with their name or initials. In the past students have kept their snow gear at school during the week and brought it home on Fridays with their quiet time towels. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!

Library Tomorrow!
A friendly reminder that our class visits the library/media center on Mondays. Please have your child return their book so that they are able to select a new one. Please also return your child's clean quiet time towel as well. Thanks so much for all of your help! :)

Curriculum Update:

Last week in Fundations we practiced reading the sight word an. The children were also introduced to the concept of "tapping out" the sounds they hear in words. Click here to learn more about tapping!

Last week our class practiced reading the sight word an, and learned that this little word can be found inside many bigger words! We took the time to brainstorm bigger words with the word "an" such as fan, man, ban, and tan, and learned that all of these words (and many more!) belong to what we call a word family!  The class then practiced reading words in the "an" word family as they created their own an vans during center time. 

Reader's Workshop
It was an exciting time in Reader's Workshop last week as we began Unit 2 in our Lucy Calkins curriculum! This unit focuses on developing our reading superpowers, or the different strategies we can use when encountering unknown words. Last week's superpower was pointer power and the students had a fantastic time pointing to the words they could read in our classroom!

On Friday we got a surprise note from Reader Man who hid special reading pointers in our classroom! We had a blast uncovering their secret location, and then using our new pointers as we read from our book bags.

Last week in math we started a unit on sorting! We learned that objects can be sorted by various attributes such as size, shape, color, and texture. The class had a great time using everything they learned about sorting as they visited various sorting centers which were set up around the classroom throughout the week.

Social Studies
Our main focus in Social Studies last week was celebrating the New Year! We discussed how many people set new year's resolutions, or goals, for themselves and even created a list of possible goals that WE have for the new year. We also enjoyed learning about New Year's Eve traditions that families share and how New Year's is celebrated in different places all over the world! Happy 2022!

Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to see all that is new in Room 202!

A Peek At Our Week!

Sunday, January 2, 2022 No comments

 Happy New Year! I hope everyone enjoyed a fun, safe, and healthy holiday! A friendly reminder that classes resume tomorrow, January 3rd. I can't wait to welcome back the Room 202 crew and hear about all of the fun that was had over the winter break.

Important Dates:

January 14th:
No School 
Staff Training

January 17th:
No School
Martin Luther King Jr. Day


Special Tomorrow
Tomorrow we will have our Day 1 special which is guidance with Mrs. Aissis. A complete specials calendar for the month of January will be sent home tomorrow afternoon with your child. Please be sure to check their Boyden folder. 

Library Tomorrow!
A friendly reminder that our class visits the library/media center on Mondays. Please have your child return their book so that they are able to select a new one. Please also return your child's clean quiet time towel as well. Thanks so much for all of your help! :)

Curriculum Update:

The week before vacation was spent enjoying all things gingerbread! We read the books The Gingerbread Man, The Gingerbread Girl, Gingerbread Baby and Gingerbread Friends. (just to name a few!). After reading these stories we practiced sequencing the events, comparing and contrasting the books and even completed some fun crafts! The learning before vacation sure was sweet!

We even incorporated some gingerbread fun into science as we completed an experiment which had the children hypothesize and then observe what happened to gingerbread cookies when they were placed in water, vinegar, and soda. The experiment resulted in some soggy and crumbly gingerbread cookies!

It was an exciting time for writing as we finish our Show and Tell unit before vacation! To celebrate, we transformed our dramatic play market into a bookstore where every child's finished pieces were on display! A big "thank you" to Mrs. Miles who arranged for some fifth grade students to come "shop" in our store. The class was SO proud to show off and share their work!

Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to see all that is new in Room 202!