I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend and enjoying this beautiful start to spring! Please see below for a few highlights from our very busy classroom!
Parent/Teacher Conferences
A friendly reminder that Parent/Teacher conferences will take place this week. If you did not make an appointment but would like to meet (virtually) please email me directly and we can schedule a time. Thank you!
Rest Time Towels
Rest time towels were sent home on Friday for washing. Please be sure to send in your child's clean towel on Monday for quiet time.
Curriculum Update
Last Week's Sight Word(s): as, has
This Week's Sight Word: was
Last week in math we continued our exploration of decomposing numbers, with a specific focus on the number ten! The children had a great time learning about the "friends of ten" through songs, chants, and other hands on activities. The friends below are carefully coloring in a rainbow which shows the number pairs for ten using the fun crayons that the leprechaun left us!
The class worked hard in Reader's Workshop last week as they continue their journey towards becoming avid readers. During our lessons the children reflected and set goals for which superpowers they need to use more often when reading. We also practiced identifying the feelings of the characters in our stories.
On Friday Mrs. Miles visited our classroom and taught us about avid reader playdates! We learned that readers can enjoy books with others by predicting what will happen next, looking for snap words they know, and discussing the events of the story they are reading.
Last week in writing the children continued to work on their opinion pieces. During our lessons we reviewed the importance of making our opinions clear and easy to read, as well as the strategies that writer's use to spell unknown words. Great progress is being made in this unit and I couldn't be more pleased!
Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to see all that is new in Room 202!
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