A Peek At Our Week!

Sunday, January 20, 2019 No comments
Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a nice weekend and stayed safe in the snowy/icy weather! Please take a peek at what the students in Room 202 were up to last week!


Media Tomorrow!
This is a friendly reminder that tomorrow is Tuesday! Please have your child return their library book to school so that they are able to select a new one. Thanks so much!

Winter Recess
It looks like winter weather has finally arrived! The children will be able to play in the snow at recess time if they have SNOW PANTS and SNOW BOOTS.  Please be sure to send your child to school with these items if they want to play in the snow.  The blacktop area is available to play on if children do not have boots & snow pants. (If you have an extra set and would like to have your child keep them at school, that is ok.  Just let me know!)

A BIG '"thank you" to Boyden's Technology Specialist, Mrs. Carroll, who took time to visit our class during our time in the Innovation Lab last week! Mrs. Carroll did a fantastic lesson on Bee-Bots! Bee-Bots are a child friendly way of introducing "coding" and are also fantastic for teaching directionality, sequencing, estimation, and problem solving skills. The class had a fantastic time creating the 'code' to get our Bee-Bots from one place on their mat to another. For more information on Bee-Bots click here!


That week in Literacy we read the story Little Quack by Lauren Thompson and discussed the question, "When is a time you felt proud?". We also continued to practice reading the sight words me, she, and with and reviewed the letter R. In Fundations the children gained more practice with tapping out CVC words such as mud, hat, and pig, also review the letter formation for uppercase letters A-H.

The class had a great time creating their own paper duck projects at the Creation Station center last week. This week we will complete the project as students will write about their favorite duck from the story.

Last week in math we continued to explore the concept of addition. The class did a great job solving addition problems and writing number sentences using the + and = symbols. This week we will begin to learn about the concept of "taking away" as we prepare to learn about subtraction!

The class had a blast writing addition number sentences as their joined their cube trains together during an interactive partner activity!

We couldn't be prouder of our home team and can't wait to cheer on the Patriots in the Superbowl! GO PATS!

A Peek At Our Week

Sunday, January 13, 2019 No comments
Last week sure was a busy one in Room 202! I hope you enjoy reading about all of the fun that we had!
Important Dates:

January 18th:
Professional Development Day
No School for Students

January 21st:
MLK Jr. Day
No School


Star Student
Last week we celebrated our first Star Student in Room 202! If your child has not returned their Star Student poster to school, please have them do so as soon as possible so that they are able to share it with their class during their special week. Thank you!

Curriculum Update:

Last week in Literacy we read the book Little Panda by Joanne Ryder. This nonfiction text helped us learn about the real life panda, Hua Mei, who was born at the San Diego Zoo in 1999. As an extension of this book, we also enjoyed watching the current pandas at the San Diego Zoo on their panda cam! If you are interested in viewing the panda cam (and other animal cams too!)  click here!

The class had a great time making their own panda projects at the Creation Station center!

Last week in Literacy we also practiced reading the sight words "me', "she", and "with" and reviewed the letter B. In Fundations the children were introduced to the concept of "tapping out" the sounds they hear in words. Click here to learn more about tapping!

In math we started Unit 7 which focuses on addition! We began our exploration by learning about the concept of joining, or putting groups together. This was followed by the introduction of the + and = signs. We will continue to practice adding and writing addition number sentences in class this week before we transition to subtraction.

The students above enjoyed learning the new math game, Flip It, during their Free Choice time on Friday. Flip It uses Tang math cards and helps student practice identifying numbers using different math representations (ten frames, tallies, fingers,words, etc.) I am looking forward to having these expert students teach the rest of the class how to play Flip It this week!

Patriots Day!
The students below had a great time showing their Patriots pride on Friday and it looks like we may have brought them good luck! Go PATS!

Thanks so much for stopping by to take a peek at our week! Please check back soon to see all that is new in Room 202!

A Peek At Our Week!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019 No comments
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! A friendly reminder that school resumes tomorrow, Wednesday, January 2nd. I am looking forward to welcoming your children back to Room 202 and hearing about all of their fantastic winter break adventures!

Important Dates:

January 18th:
Professional Development Day
No School for Students

January 21st:
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
No School


Holiday Celebration
A BIG "thank you" to our Room Parents Mrs. Fazio, Mrs. Holland, and Mrs. Wheeler who organized a fantastic holiday celebration before the winter break! The class had a great time participating in holiday and winter themed crafts and games, and I can't thank them enough for all of their hard work. Please enjoy a few pictures from our festivities below!

Class Gift
I also want to extend a sincere "thank you" for the incredibly generous class gift you gave me! I absolutely LOVE my new lunchbox and I'm looking forward to a few date nights with my husband with the Patriots Place gift card before Baby Buchanio #2 arrives! I also have my eye on some new items for the classroom that I am excited to purchasing with the other gift card you gave me. I can't thank you enough again for your kindness and generosity at the holidays. It is SO greatly appreciated!