I hope everyone is safe and warm after Friday's CrAzY weather! Enjoy this week's edition of Peek At Our Week!
Field Trip
A friendly reminder that we will be traveling to Veteran's Memorial Auditorium tomorrow (Monday) to see a play of Charlotte's Web! Please review the following reminders to ensure it is a fun and enjoyable morning for your child!
- Please be sure to arrive to school on time. We will be leaving on the bus promptly at 9:00 AM.
- All students should please eat a hearty breakfast. Although we ask that you still send a snack to school (just in case) we most likely will not have the opportunity to eat before we leave for the performance.
- We will return for lunch and will be having an afternoon snack. Please be sure to plan for these things in the afternoon.
- We will be back at Boyden School by 12:00. Half Day Kindergarten students will go home at their normal time via their typical transportation.
Special Visit!
We were THRILLED to welcome Patriots kicker Stephen Gostkowski to Boyden School on Thursday! His visit was a great was to "kick-off" Read Across America day which takes place each year on March 2nd (Dr. Seuss's Birthday!). We will be celebrating the Read Across America campaign for the entire month of March in our classroom. For parents, relatives, and friends that are interested in coming in to read, please refer to the parent notice that was sent home with your child last week!
Last week in literacy we read the story Bunny Time by Rick Walton. While reading this story we discussed the question, "What adventures do you have throughout the day?". We also were introduced to the new sight words: do, are, and that, and practiced the sound of the letter "H".
H week was the perfect time to practice writing our home address!
Last week in math we began Topic 9 which focuses on composing and decomposing numbers to 10. We had a great time finding all the ways to make the number 4 and 5, and are looking forward to continuing this work with the numbers 6 and 7 this week!
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!
One exciting highlight of our week was celebrating the birthday of the iconic children's book author, Dr. Seuss! We had a great time reading many Dr. Seuss stories and practicing our rhyming skills in preparation for the big day. The children also enjoyed creating their own Dr. Seuss hats by writing rhyming words in each stripe!
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!
Thanks so much for stopping by to take a peek at our week! Please check back soon to see all that is new in Room 202!
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