A Peek At Our Week!

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Sight Word Practice
I am SO incredibly proud of how hard the children have been working to learn their sight words. Thank you so much for all of the time that has been put in at home to make this wonderful progress possible! A friendly reminder to please return your child's sight word checklist to school each Friday. Students who demonstrate mastery with the kindergarten sight word list will be given a challenge activity!

April Vacation
Please note that April vacation will begin this Friday, April 14th with classes resuming on Monday, April 24th. I hope everyone has a fantastic April break! Fingers crossed for some beautiful spring weather!

Curriculum Update

Last week in Literacy we read the story Abuela by Arthur Dorros and discussed the question "Where will our adventures take us?" We also learned about the letter "W" and practiced the sight words here, go, and from!

We had a great time reading Where the Wild Thing Are as a part of "W" week! After reading the story the children did a fantastic job designing their own "wild thing" monsters and writing about a time when they felt wild!

In math we have been revisiting teen numbers! As part of this unit your child has been using tens and ones as well as ten frames to both create and decompose numbers 11 to 19!

We had a great time playing with our place value manipulatives before using them to show teen numbers.

Thanks so much for stopping by to take a peek at our week! I hope everyone enjoys what looks to be a beautiful week ahead!

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