It was wonderful seeing everyone this past Thursday at Boyden’s Open House Night! I greatly appreciate you taking the time to stop by and learn a little bit about the fun things happening in Room 202!
Our class will be visiting the Media Center on Wednesdays this year. Please have your child bring their book with them to school on this day. Students who would like to bring their books back earlier are more than welcome to do so, as there will be a Library Book basket in our classroom. Thanks so much in advance for all of your help and cooperation!
Rest Blankets
It's hard to believe that the month of October is already here! A friendly reminder that your child's rest towel/blanket will be sent home for washing at the beginning of each month. Please have your child bring their rest towel/blanket back to school with them on Monday in a plastic shopping bag if possible.
Curriculum Update:
Last week in Literacy we read the story Plaidypus Lost by Janet Stevens and Susan Stevens Crummel which helped us discuss the question, "How do families cooperate?". We practiced the new sight words "the" and "little" and also reviewed the letters O, P, Q, R, and S!
The students above had a great time decorating their own "Plaidypus" during Center Time!
Using positional words was our focus in math last week! The students had a great time learning and acting out the terms above, below, and between (just to name a few!). On Friday, we began a special Gingerbread Man themed book which helped the children apply all of the new positional words they learned!
Social Studies
Last week was an exciting time for Social Studies as we celebrated Johnny Appleseed's birthday! We learned that Johnny Appleseed's real name was John Chapman, and he was famous for planting apple trees!
These Kinder Kiddos had a great time making their own Johnny Appleseed!
Thanks so much for stopping by to read about our very busy week! I hope you enjoyed learning about all of the fun things happening in Room 202!
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