A Peek At Our Week

Sunday, October 30, 2016 No comments

Halloween Parade
A friendly reminder that Boyden's Halloween parade will take place on October 31st (tomorrow!). Students who would like to participate should come to school dressed in their costume. Please also send a bag with your kindergarten kiddo to store their costume in after the parade, as they will not be allowed to wear them for the entire school day. Parents who would like to watch the parade can do so from the cafeteria or gym. The fun starts at 9:15am. We hope to see you there!

Rest Blankets
Due to all of the Halloween excitement I will not be sending your child's rest blanket/towel home for washing until this Friday, November 4th. Please have them bring their clean towel/blanket back to school with them on Monday, November 7th. Do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions!


Last week in Literacy we spent our time reviewing all of the important skills and concepts that have been introduced in the last few weeks. Included in this review were the letter M and T, as well as the sight words I, a, am, the, little, and to. We also made time for some fantastic Halloween fun!

The students had a great time sequencing the events of the story The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything. They also practiced writing the action words for each piece of clothing in the book!

We also had a great time singing the pumpkin chant:

Pumpkin, Pumpkin, big and round,
Pick a pumpkin, make its sound!

This interactive activity was great for reviewing our letters and the sounds that they say!

Last week in Math we continued to review numbers 0-5. The children had a great time participating in various Halloween themed math centers!

The students above practiced counting spiders and placing them onto spooky webs!

Halloween Celebration!
On Thursday, the children has a SPOOKtacular time participating in fun Halloween themed crafts and games! A BIG thank you to our Room Parents Mrs. Seeley and Mrs. Shaughnessy for organizing such a fun event, along with Jack, Evelyn, Laher, Devin, Norah, and Kaylei's moms for their help and creativity!

Fly Fly Witchy!
Over the last few weeks the Kindergarten classes have been working hard to prepare for the October school-wide assembly! We learned the song Fly Fly Witchy, and designed our own colorful witches to use during our performance! The big show was this past Friday and the students did a wonderful job! A copy of our song was sent home with your child last week. Feel free to keep the fantastic singing going at home!

A Peek At Our Week!

Friday, October 21, 2016 No comments
It was another fun and exciting week in Room 202! Please enjoy some of the highlights below!

This week in Literacy we read the story Dig Dig Digging by Margaret Mayo. This story helped us answer the essential question, "How do machines help people work?". We also continued to review the sight words "to" and "a" and also learned all about the letter T!

Center time is always a highlight of our day! This week the children had a fantastic time completing activities that focused on our letter of the week, T!

The ladies above show off their beautiful T bracelets!

Write the Room was a new center activity that was introduced this week! The children had a great time looking for words in our classroom that featured the letter T!

At the Creation Station students finger painted a T-shirt!

 Bingo daubers made practicing our sight word "to" lots of fun!

The Listening Center continues to be a big hit!

This week in math we completed our unit on shapes! As a fun "grand finale" the students worked in groups to create their own 2D and 3D shapes using our Mat Man handwriting pieces and Model Magic! The results were absolutely fantastic!

The students had a blast making some of the 3D solids we learned about such as cubes and spheres. Creativity was also supported as some teams constructed more abstract designs!

This week Mrs. Fucile rewarded the children with a special bookmark as everyone in our class remembered to return their library book!

Spirit Day
The Student Council's first spirit day was definitely a huge success as the students in Room 202 proudly displayed their Patriots pride!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read about our wonderful week! I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend! Go PATS!

A Peek At Our Week!

Saturday, October 15, 2016 No comments

Snack Group
Be on the lookout for information about Kindergarten snack group! This group will be run by Mr. Leary and will provide Kindergarten students with the opportunity to get to know one another and build their communication skills! More information about this fantastic opportunity will be sent home early next week!

Parent/Teacher Conferences
It's hard to believe that Parent/Teacher Conferences are right around the corner! Please be sure to make your appointment using the conference scheduler which can be accessed through Boyden's homepage. I look forward to chatting about your child's progress soon!

Scholastic Order
September's Scholastic order went home last week! If you purchased a copy of What It Means to Be Kind and did not receive it please let me know. A copy was left behind in the classroom. 

Promoting Positive Behavior in Room 202!
During these first few weeks of school, the children have been working hard to learn the rules and expectations in our classroom. In order to encourage the students to make positive choices, both individual and whole class behavior management systems will be used.

Have you heard about “High Fives”?
One individual incentive we will be using this year are “high fives”. When a child is observed displaying positive behavior such as helping a teacher or other student, being especially kind, or making a great choice they will be rewarded with a small hand shape (also known as a “high five”). Once a child receives 5 high fives they may trade them in for a prize from the class treasure tub.

Reward Jar
For a whole class incentive we will be using a Reward Jar! When our class does a fantastic job working together and making good choices as a group, they will be awarded by having an item such as a pom pom, cube, bead, etc. added to the jar. When our jar has been filled the class will then decide if they would like five extra minutes of free choice time or five extra minutes of outdoor recess.

We like to say in our classroom, “When you make good choices, good things happen!”. I can’t wait to see all of the good happenings in Room 202 this year!


This week in Literacy we read the story Julius by Angela Johnson. This fantasy tale about a girl and her pet pig helped us discuss the question "How do people and animals work together?". Also this week we introduced the new sight words "to" and "a", and learned about the letter M!

Our centers this week had the children identifying words that begin with M, decorating mittens, and looking for the letters in magazines!

We continued our exploration of shapes this week! After reading the story The Shapes of Things by Dayle Ann Dodds we had a great time making our own shape pictures!

Mrs. Love Visits!
Last week Mrs. Love (Boyden School's Occupational Therapist) visited our classroom for the first time! Mrs. Love taught us about the importance of good body posture when writing, and also explained how our "helping hand" (or non-dominant hand) has the very important job of holding down our paper when we write and guiding our paper when we cut. We are very fortunate that Mrs. Love will be visiting our classroom once a month this year!

A Peek At Our Week!

Saturday, October 8, 2016 No comments

Reading Incentive!
A BIG thank you for all of your support during the first week of our reading incentive program. I was thrilled to see so many students bring in their tally sheets this past Friday! A friendly reminder that the tally sheets for all four weeks of the incentive were attached to the parent information notice that was sent home last week. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are in need of a new set!

Room Parents
A very big THANK YOU to all those who volunteered to be a room parent for our classroom! The response to help out was so overwhelming that I had to pick names from a hat! I am excited to share that Mrs. Shaughnessy and Mrs. Seeley will be our room parents this year! Thank you again for all those who expressed interest. Numerous volunteer opportunities will arise throughout the school year so please don’t despair if you have not yet been contacted!

Curriculum Update

Last week in Literacy we read the story Miss Bindergarten Takes a Field Trip with Kindergarten by Joseph Slate. This story helped us discuss the essential question, "How do people in a community cooperate?". We also reviewed the letters T-Z and continued to practice the sight words "the" and "little". Next week we will take a more in-depth look at the letter "M".

The children had a fantastic time designing their own fall trees during center time!

The Listening Center was also open for the students to enjoy during centers!

Last week in math we began a unit on analyzing, comparing, and composing shapes! The children below had a great time using pattern blocks to make new shapes. We discovered that two trapezoids and six triangles were two different combinations that could make a hexagon!

Computer Lab
Another exciting part of our week was our first visit to the Computer Lab! The students did a great job logging in and had lots of fun exploring the website "Starfall"!

Mr. Leary Visits!
Last week we welcomed Boyden School's guidance counselor Mr. Leary into our classroom for his second visit! During Mr. Leary's lesson the children discussed various emotions and feelings. Every student then drew a picture of something that made them happy!

Personal Best!
On Friday, the kindergarten, first, and second graders enjoyed a presentation by Mr. Mosca from Personal Best Karate in Norwood! Mr. Mosca discussed the importance of respect and self-discipline, while also teaching the children appropriate ways to stand up for themselves. Personal Best Karate will be running an after school program for students starting at the end of October. Please see the orange flyer that came home with your child for more details!

Thanks so much for stopping by to take a peek at our week! I hope everyone has a wonderful long weekend! :)