A Peek At Our Week!

Sunday, March 2, 2025 No comments

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed today's sunny (but cold!) weather. Please see below for announcements and updates from Room 115! 🌞 

Important Dates:

March 11th
Parent/Teacher Conferences
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM

March 13th:
Parent/Teacher Conferences
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM

March 14th: 
Early Release
Parent/Teacher Conferences
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

March 21st:
Student Council Spirit Day:
Rock your Socks!

March 28th:
Early Release


Parent/Teacher Conferences
It's hard to believe that spring parent/teacher conferences are next week! Please use the links sent out in Mr. Dearborn's SMORE to schedule your apppointment. It is important to note that all conferences are in person, however, I am more than happy to schedule a virtual conference if that is more convenient for you. Lastly, the evening conferences tend to be very popular and can run behind. Don't hesitate to let me know if you would like to meet before or after school instead. I'm looking forward to speaking with you about your child's progress!

Curriculum Update:

Reader's Workshop
Last week in Reader's Workshop we continued to discuss the essential question: "What does it mean to try hard?". To help us answer this question we read the book Emmanuel's Dream by Laurie Ann Thompson, a biography which tells the true story of Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah, a man who rode his bicycle around Ghana with only one working leg. This inspirational story was the perfect way to close out module (unit) 5. In the week ahead we will begin module (unit) 6 which is titled: Home of the Free and the Brave. 

Last week in Fundations we practiced reading the sight word no. We also continued to practice tapping or sliding CVC words such as hat, mug, and pot, and built CVC words using magnetic letters. In addition to our Fundations lessons, we also spent time reading words in the "at" word family. The students had fun making at cats as a fun Friday project!

In math the children continue to learn about two dimensional shapes. In last weeks lessons we were sorting, comparing, composing, and decomposing shapes using pattern blocks. This week we will spiral back to review three dimensional figures and their attributes!

The class had a fun time picking a two dimensional shape and writing clues about it in an activity we called "Guess My Shape". 

Writer's Workshop
In Writer's Workshop we continue to learn about the genre of informational writing. Last week the students brainstormed things that they are experts about to determine the topic of their next informational text. Animals, sports, places, and toys were some of the most popular topics! I am looking forward to supporting the children as they write an informational piece about a topic of their choosing over the next few weeks.

A Peek Inside Specials 🎵
The class came back from winter break with a bang as they used bookwhackers in music class last week!

Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to watch us learn, grow, and play in the wonderful world that is K! 🍎📖🚌