I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed today's sunny (but cold!) weather. Please see below for announcements and updates from Room 115! 🌞
Important Dates:
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed today's sunny (but cold!) weather. Please see below for announcements and updates from Room 115! 🌞
Important Dates:
I hope your child enjoyed their school vacation week! I am looking forward to being back together in Room 115 tomorrow! 😊
Important Dates:
Event Details:
Student Wishlist Preview: From 3/4-3/7, students will visit the media center, browse the fair, and create wishlists. They will bring these wish lists home to share with their families. (Tip: Take a photo of their wishlist for easy reference!)
Book Fair Shopping: Families are invited to visit and shop during Parent-Teacher Conferences:
How You Can Help: We need volunteers to help students create their wish lists during the Preview event. If you’re available to lend a hand, it only takes about 15 minutes and is a wonderful opportunity to be in the library with your child and their friends. Every purchase made at the Book Fair directly benefits our school, so it’s a win-win!
Please sign up for the Book Preview Here:
Thank you for your continued support of the Book Fair and our school library. We can’t wait to see you there!
It's an exciting time of year in Kindergarten! Please enjoy a few pictures and updates below!! 😊
Important Dates:
I hope everyone had a great weekend! There are many fun and exciting events coming up in the weeks ahead. Please see the announcements section below for some important details. 😊
Important Dates:
I hope your child enjoyed the long weekend and the first significant snowfall of the season! Please see below for announcements and updates from Room 115! ❄
Last week in Fundations we practiced reading the sight word can. We also continued to practice our "tapping" skills and became more comfortable with applying them to various CVC words. Additionally, we began to review how we write our uppercase letters. While we spent an entire week learning how to write each lowercase letter at the beginning of the year, our uppercase review is moving MUCH quicker, and we are practicing how to write two letters each day!
It was a chilly first full week back from break with LOTS of indoor recess, but we made it through! Please enjoy a few pictures and updates from our classroom. 😊
Important Dates:
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