A Peek At Our Week!

Sunday, April 28, 2024 No comments

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed the beautiful weather! It was so nice to have all of the children back in Room 115 last week as we jumped right back into our schedule and routines. It's hard to believe there are less than 40 days of Kindergarten left! 😲

Important Dates:

May 17th:
Early Release Day
12:25pm Dismissal

May 23rd:
K/1 Music Concert
(More info. to follow)

May 27th:
Memorial Day
No School

May 31st:
Kindergarten Field Trip
(See Below)


Kindergarten Field Trip
On May 31st the Kindergarten classes will be taking a field trip to Franklin Park Zoo! Permission slips will be sent out during the first full week of May, so please be on the lookout. More information will be shared as the time gets closer, but please be sure to mark your calendar for this very exciting day!

Star Student ⭐
Congratulations to Ronan who was our Star Student last week! We look forward to learning about, and celebrating another friend from our class in the week ahead!

Curriculum Update:

Earth Day! 🌎
Our first day back from break was a busy one as we celebrated Earth Day! We learned about ways to help and protect our earth through read alouds and our Let's Find Out magazine. It was so wonderful to see the children's enthusiasm about this topic!

Happy Earth Day!💙💚

Last week in Fundations we practiced reading the sight words or and for. We also revisted sentences and reviewed the three components of a sentence (they start with an uppercase letter, ends with an ending mark, and provides a whole idea). On Thursday, the students learned about the letters i, n, and g, and the sounds they make when put together.

Each student made a King of -ing in class last week! This fun project reinforced the concept that when the letters i, n, and g appear together they say "ing" like in the word king! ♔

In math last week we learned about number stories, also known as word problems! The students learned that there are many ways to solve a number story, including using objects such as cubes or counters, drawing a picture, or using numbers.

It was an exciting time in science last week as we had a very special delivery, caterpillars! Over the next several weeks we will observe our caterpillars and how they grow and change. This is a favorite end-of-the-year activity for many students! 

In Writer's Workshop we put the finishing touches on the "How To" books we started before the spring break. In the week ahead we will begin working on an alphabet book all about Walpole that will be shared as part of Walpole's 300th birthday celebration! I big thank you to Boyden's Digital Learning Coach, Mrs. Carroll, for organizing and helping us implement this memorable project. 

The cute crew above worked hard to get onto the playground swings by themselves, a goal for many of the Kindergarten friends. The children have also enjoyed explaining the process of swinging in "how to" style. Keep up the great work ladies! 🌞

Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please be sure to check back soon to watch us learn, grow, and play in the wonderful world that is K! 🍎📖🚌

A Peek At Our Week!

Sunday, April 21, 2024 No comments

  I hope your child enjoyed their spring break and is looking forward to returning to school tomorrow! Please enjoy a few highlights from our very busy week before vacation! 🌞

Important Dates:

April 26th:
Spring Picture Day 📸


Tony Chestnut!
The Kindergarten students did a FANTASTIC job performing Tony Chesnut at the school-wide assembly before the break! This was a Boyden tradition for many years prior to COVID, and one we were SO excited to bring back! Click here to watch us in action!

Star Student ⭐
Congratulations to Aidan who was our Star Student before the break! We look forward to learning about, and celebrating another friend from our class in the week ahead!

Curriculum Update:

Before the break we practiced reading the sight words my and by. We also continued to read words with the digraphs sh, th, ch, wh and ck!

To go along with our sight word of the week, the class enjoyed reading the story Little Quack by Lauren Thompson. After listening to the story, the children then wrote about their favorite duck character and completed their own paper ripping project. Paper ripping projects are great for stengthening fine motor skills and dexterity!

The students also practiced reading words in the -ip word family and made their own -ip ships! 🚢

Before the break our class revisited numbers to 20 in math! We practiced counting and identifying these numbers by playing fun games called Capture the Number and Double Top Draw. In the week ahead we will learn about, and practice solving addition and subtraction story problems.

Writer's Workshop
In Writer's Workshop our class worked hard to write their own "How To" pieces before the vacation. We will put our finishing touches on our final drafts this week before we begin our next unit which will focus on opinion writing.

Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to watch us learn, grow, and play in the wonderful world that is K! 🍎🚌📖

A Peek At Our Week!

Monday, April 8, 2024 No comments

 Happy Monday! I hope everyone's week is off to a great start. Please see below for announcements and curriculum updates from Room 115! 😊

Important Dates:

April 15th-April 19th:
School Vacation

April 24th:
Spring Pictures 📸


Friday Assembly
This Friday the Kindergarten classes will be performing the song Tony Chestnut at a school-wide assembly! Please note, that this assembly is for Boyden students only and unfortunately parents are not able to attend. This song will be a part of our spring music concert however, so you will be able to see us sing it then!

Field Day
It's hard to believe, but preparations are underway for one of Boyden's favorite end of the year activities, field day! Every year the Boyden PAC generously provides a field day t-shirt for each student. A youth size small is typically ordered for Kindergarteners (that's the smallest size available) but if you feel a different size would work better for your child please let me know!

Star Student ⭐
Congratulations to Nyari who was our Star Student last week! We look forward to learning about, and celebrating another friend from our class in the week ahead!

Boyden Folders
It's that time of year when our Boyden Folders have definitely seen better days. 😅 Mrs. Dacko has been working hard to tape/repair as many as she can, but please feel free to send in a new folder for your child if you would like to.

Curriculum Update:

Solar Eclipse
Our week got off to an exciting start as we learned about the solar eclipse! We enjoyed making crowns, reading books, and learning about the solar eclipse in our Let's Find Out! magazine.

Last week in Fundations we learned the sight words are and little. The class was also continued to practice reading words with the digraphs sh, ch, th, wh, and ck, as well as words in the -ap word family. It sure was a busy week!

The students above show off their -ap maps! 

With all of the rainy weather (and indoor recess!) last week, the kiddos were definitely in need of some major movement activities! We put our CVC word readings skills to the test as students were given a CVC word/picture and had to hop into a hoola hoop for each sound. This was a fun, and new way to practice an important skill.

In math we began Unit 7 last week. The first module of this unit had us revisiting the concept of measurement. Our learning focused on weight and we examined various types of scales. We also used balance scales to compare the weight of different objects.

Writer's Workshop
This week in Writer's Workshop we will complete our unit on "how to" or procedural writing. As a final project, each student will get to pick an activity they know how to do and draw and write the steps to describe it. Be on the lookout for your child's finished piece! ✎

Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to watch us learn, grow, and play in the wonderful world that is K! 🍎🚌📖

A Peek At Our Week!

Monday, April 1, 2024 No comments

 Happy Monday! I hope everyone's week is off to a great start. Please see below for announcements and curriculum updates from Room 115! 😊

Important Dates:

April 15th-April 19th:
School Vacation

April 24th:
Spring Pictures 📸


Field Day
It's hard to believe, but preparations are underway for one of Boyden's favorite end of the year activities, field day! Every year the Boyden PAC generously provides a field day t-shirt for each student. A youth size small is typically ordered for Kindergarteners (that's the smallest size available) but if you feel a different size would work better for your child please let me know!

Star Student ⭐
Congratulations to Savanna who was our Star Student last week! We look forward to learning about, and celebrating another friend from our class in the week ahead!

Curriculum Update:

Last week in Fundations we learned the sight words our and said. The class was also continued to practice reading words with the digraphs sh, ch, th, wh, and ck. As a fun spring-themed activity, we made ick chicks which featured words that end in ck.

In math last week the students reviewed the many number combinations that make 5! They enjoyed playing games like Spill the Beans and Fill it up Five to help practice identifying and writing number sentences that equal five, such as 2+3, 4+1, and 5+0.

The class enjoyed completing a different "make 5" activity each day during center time!

Writer's Workshop
We continue to work on our procedural or "how to" writing during Writer's Workshop. Last week we finished writing the steps for how to make a donut, and this week we will sequence and write the steps for how to blow bubbles! 🫧

Thanks for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to watch us learn, grow, and play in the wonderful world this is K! 🍎📖🚌