Welcome Back!

Sunday, February 25, 2024 No comments

  I hope your child enjoyed their school vacation week! I am looking forward to being back together in Room 115 tomorrow! 😊

Important Dates:

March 6th:
Parent/Teacher Conferences 

March 8th:
Early Release
Parent/Teacher Conferences 

March 14th:
Parent/Teacher Conferences 

March 22nd:
Early Release Day
12:25pm Dismissal

March 29th:
No School
Day of Low Attendance


Parent/Teacher Conferences
It's hard to believe that spring parent/teacher conferences begin next week! Please use the links sent out in Mr. Dearborn's SMORE* to schedule your apppointment. Also be aware that the specialists are listed first and you have to click through multiple pages to find my name/appointment times. It is also important to note that all conferences are in person, however, I am more than happy to schedule a virtual conference if that is more convenient for you. Lastly, the evening conferences tend to be very popular and can run behind. Don't hesitate to let me know if you would like to meet before or after school instead. I'm looking forward to speaking with you about your child's progress!

*If you don't receive Mr. Dearborn's SMORE please let me know. I'm more than happy to forward it to you!

Lost and Found
The items below have been in our classroom for some time. Please let me know if anything pictured belongs to your child and I will send it home tomorrow. 

Wish List
Our classroom is desperately in need of glue sticks! Any contributions would be greatly appreciated!! 

Curriculum Update:

Writer's Workshop
It was an exciting time in Writer's Workshop before the break, as the students completed our "true stories" unit! Each child worked hard to write both one page stories and those that spanned across many pages as well. We continued to practice our labeling skills and many students began to write sentences using inventive, or sound spelling. In the week ahead the class will be introduced to procedural or "how to" writing. This is one of the most popular and well-liked units in Writer's Workshop!

We had a great time celebrating our newest authors! Be on the lookout for your child's finished true stories to come home tomorrow!

Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to watch us learn, grow, and play in the wonderful world that is K! πŸŽπŸšŒπŸ“–

Superhero Celebration!

Tuesday, February 13, 2024 No comments
 We are Super Readers!
Over the last several weeks the students have been practicing their reading super powers! Pointer power, snap word power, and sliding/tapping power are just a few of the strategies the class has been using when reading in the classroom. As this unit comes to a close, we got a visit from The League of Super Readers! Please enjoy some pictures and video of our very special celebration! πŸ¦ΈπŸ“—πŸ—²πŸŒŸ

Click here to see the class get inducted into the League of Super Readers!

We applied our superhero skills to math too! The students above practice counting to 100 by tens using a special superhero helper!

A Peek At Our Week!

Sunday, February 11, 2024 No comments

 I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed the spring-like weather! The week ahead promises to be another fun and exciting one. Please see below for more details! 😊

Important Dates:

February 14th:
Valentine's Day

February 19th-22nd:
No School
February Vacation Week


Kindness Week!
In the week ahead Boyden School will be observing kindness week. Each day we will participate in a different kindness themed activity, and discuss why kindness is so important in our school and community. Please see the list of each day's events below.

Valentine's Day
Our class will be celebrating Valentines Day on Wednesday, February 14th! As part of our celebration we will be exchanging valentines. Please click here for some helpful hints and tips for making our celebration an enjoyable one for your child. Please note food and candy is not allowed. A hard copy of this notice was also sent home last week.

Star Student ⭐
Congratulations to Siena who was our Star Student last week! We look forward to learning about, and celebrating another friend from our class in the week ahead!

Curriculum Update:

Last week in Fundations we practiced reading the sight word so. We also continued to practice tapping and/or sliding CVC words such as hat, mug, and pot, and learned about words in the -en word family!

                                                    The students above show off their -en hens! πŸ”

In math we completed our review of two dimensional shapes last week. The children continued to name 2D shapes and sort them by various attributes including the number of sides, points/corners, as well as curved vs. flat sides. We also strengthened our counting skills as we participated in many 100 day of school activities!

The students enjoyed working with a partner to sort, draw, and count two dimensional pattern block shapes.

                               100th day workstations (centers) continued to be a hit throughout the week!

                 We ended the week by making shape pizzas! They all looked good enought to eat! πŸ•

5th Grade Buddies!
On Friday we visited our 5th grade buddies in Ms. Janke's class! Together the children prepared for kindness week by discussing different ways we can be kind at school, at home, and in our community. The buddies then worked together to create a beautiful kindness flower!

Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to watch us learn, grow, and play in the wonderful world that is K! πŸŽπŸ“–πŸšŒ

A Peek At Our Week!

Sunday, February 4, 2024 No comments

It's an exciting time of year in Kindergarten! Please enjoy a few pictures and updates below!! 😊

Important Dates:

February 5th:
The 100th Day of School!

February 9th:
Half Day of School
Report Cards are Available on Aspen/X2

February 14th:
Valentine's Day

February 19th-22nd:
No School
February Vacation Week


100th Day! 
We had a wonderful time celebrating the 100th day of school yesterday! The students enjoyed 100th day read alouds, math centers, and the main event, our fashion show! Click the links below to watch the students in Room 115 walk the runway! 

We were so excited to count to 100 by tens during Number Corner!

Happy 100th Day!!

Valentine's Day
Our class will be celebrating Valentines Day on Wednesday, February 14th! As part of our celebration we will be exchanging valentines. Please click here for some helpful hints and tips for making our celebration an enjoyable one for your child. Please note food and candy is not allowed. A hard copy of this notice was also sent home last week.

Star Student ⭐
Congratulations to Addie who was our Star Student last week! We look forward to learning about, and celebrating another friend from our class in the week ahead!

Curriculum Update:

Last week in Fundations we practiced reading the sight word go. We also continued to practice tapping or sliding CVC words such as hat, mug, and pot. 

Learning about long and short vowel sounds was another objective last week. The students above practice this skill with a picture sort!

We also brainstormed and practiced reading words in the -ig word family! The class had a fun time making their own -ig pigs. Please encourage your child to practice reading the pig decodable reader that they brought home last week.🐷

Reader's Workshop
Last week in Reader's Workshop the students continued to apply their reading superpowers to decodable texts. They were introduced to a new superpower known as "word part power". This superpower encourages the children to look for small sight words such as it, in, and at inside of the bigger words that they encounter in texts. They can use their knoweldge of that small word to help them read the larger word. For example, the little word "an" can help a child when reading the word "fan". In our class we have also been calling this superpower "Chunky Monkey" as the children as looking for "chunks" of the word that they know.

In math last week we spiraled back to geometry, a concept that we previously taught in Number Corner. During our lessons the children practiced naming, describing, and sorting two dimensional shapes. 

The class also participated in math centers that had them writing about different attributes of 2D shapes, sorting pictures, and matching real like objects to their two dimensional figure.

Writer's Workshop
The personal narrative or true story writing continued in Writer's Workshop. Last week our lesson's focused on editing our work to make it the best it can be. The students enjoyed using highlighters to add missing punctuation and capital letters at the beginning of their sentences. The highlighters also helped us show finger spaces and add even more letters to our words.

Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to watch us learn, grow, and play in the wonderful world that is K! πŸŽπŸšŒπŸ“–