It was a beautiful day for a wedding in Room 115! Enjoy a few pictures of the very special celebration held for Q and U! 💗
A Peek At Our Week!
Sunday, December 15, 2024
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I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! This week will be a busy and exciting one as we head into the winter break! Please note that Friday is a full day of school, and that students will be dismissed at their normal time. 😊
Important Dates:
December 19th:
Q and U Wedding
See Below for Details!
December 20th:
Comfy Cozy Day; Wear Your PJs to school!
Last Day Before Break
December 23rd-January 1st:
Winter Break ❆
No School
January 2nd:
School Reopens
Q and U Wedding
I'm excited to announce that our class will be having a wedding for the letters Q and U this Thursday, December 19th (click here for all the details!). If possible, please have your child bring a wrapped/packaged item (or picture of an item) that begins with the letter Q and/or U (q-tips, quilt, quarter, unicorn, umbrella, etc.) on Thursday for the wedding shower that will take place before the ceremony. I realize it's short notice (and a busy time of year), so I will have plenty of gifts available in the classroom as well. Students are also welcome to dress up for the occasion if they would like to!
Curriculum Update:
Last week in Fundations the children learned about the letters x and y. We also practiced reading the sight word "from". Another hightlight of the week was celebrating all of our color words! On Friday, we met with our 5th grade buddies and worked together to complete a color word scavenger hunt in their classroom! We also put on a mini concert and performed some of our favorite color songs for them.
We began our next unit of stories (Module 4) in Reader's Workshop last week. In this module the students will work to answer the essential question, "How can I be my healthiest me?". We read the books Being Fit by Valerie Bodden, and Germs are not for Sharing by Elizabeth Verdick to help us start to answer this question. We also dicussed the meaning behind the words: energy, exercise, and healthy, and practiced identifying the topic and central idea in informational texts.
Learning about number lines continued to be the primary focus of our math lessons last week. The class learned two fun games which helped them practice sequencing the numbers 1-10 on a number line.
In Number Corner, we have been counting down the number of wake ups until winter break using our snowman chain! Each child had an opportunity to make a snowman chain of their own so that they are able to countdown the days to break at home as well. This is a great way to review the concept of subtraction and reinforce subtraction equations! You can use questions such as: "How many links are we starting with?" "How many are we taking away?" "How many are left now?" to help your child practice their subtraction skills at home.
Writer's Workshop
In Writer's Workshop we continue to practice our opinion writing! Last week we gave our opinion on our favorite book, and favorite way to stay healthy. The children are doing a fantastic job with their writing and continue to work hard to stretch out the sounds they hear in words, and write Kindergarten sight words to construct sentences.
Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to watch us learn, grow, and play in the wonderful world that is K! 🍎📖🚌
A Peek At Our Week!
Sunday, December 8, 2024
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I hope everyone had a great weekend! It was another busy week in Kindergarten. Please enjoy a few updates from our classroom! 😊
Important Dates:
December 13th:
Early Release
12:25pm Dismissal
December 20th:
Comfy Cozy Day; Wear Your PJs to school!
Last Day Before Break
December 23rd-January 1st:
Winter Break ❆
No School
January 2nd:
School Reopens
Gifts for Kids 🎁
This is a friendly reminder that any donations to the Gift for Kids program are due tomorrow, Monday, December 9th. Thank you SO much for your generosity, and for supporting a local child in need. It is greatly appreciated!
Walpole Firefighters Visit!
On Friday we enjoyed a very informative presentation about fire safety from two of Walpole's very own! The children reviewed the importance of having two ways out of your home, establishing a meeting spot in the event of a fire, and the emergency number 911.
Where did Mrs. Buchanio go?
Last week in Fundations the children learned about the letters v and w. We also practiced reading the sight word "like". The color of the week was gray!
On Friday, Fundations and science came together as we used the website Pebble Go! to research volcanoes! We learned that volcanoes contain magma, or melted rock, and can be both mountain-like and flat as well.🌋
Into Reading
Last week we completed Module 3 in our Into Reading curriculum, and worked hard to answer the question: "What makes a community?". The books A Piece of Home by Jeri Watts and Bo and Peter by Besty Franco helped us deepen our understanding of what a community is, and why communities are important. We also practiced how to make and check predictions, and were introduced to nouns!
It was a busy time in math as the children practiced counting numbers as 5 and "some more". We also took a deeper look into number lines and created a giant one on our classroom rug! The class had a great time working together to sequence numbers and label the parts.
Last week in Writer's Workshop the children were introduced to opinion writing! We learned that an opinion is how you think or feel about a given topic, and that our opinions can't be wrong. We used our sight word of the week "like" to write about our favorite part of our classroom or school, and even began to provide reasons for our opinions. It sure was a busy week for writing!
Using BeeBots and Boomwackers were two highlights of specials last week!
Nothing like a little indoor recess to end a busy week!
Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to watch us learn, grow, and play in the wonderful world that is K! 🍎📖🚌
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