A Peek At Our Week!

Sunday, January 26, 2020 No comments
I hope everyone had a great weekend! Please enjoy a quick update on the wonderful learning that took place in our classroom last week!

Star Student
This week we will celebrate our first Star Student in Room 202! If your child has not returned their Star Student poster to school, please have them do so as soon as possible so that they are able to share it with their class during their special week. Thank you!

Curriculum Update:

Last week in literacy the students were introduced to three new sight words: of, you, and they. In Fundations the children gained more practice with tapping out CVC words such as mud, hat, and pig. We also reviewed the letter formation for uppercase letters G-L.

In math we revisited writing our teen numbers. It is amazing to see the growth the children have made with their handwriting skills since we first practiced our teen numbers back in October!

Math Centers provided the children with the opportunity to practice their teen number writing as well as their graphing skills. The students also received small group support with solving word problems!

Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to see all that is new in Room 202! :)

A Peek At Our Week!

Sunday, January 12, 2020 No comments
Last week was a busy one in our classroom! Please take a moment to enjoy a few of the highlights below!
Important Dates:

January 17th:
Professional Development Day
No School for Students

January 20th:
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
No School


Last week in Literacy we read the story Little Quack by Lauren Thompson and discussed the question, "When is a time you felt proud?". We also practiced reading two new sight words: look and see!
In Fundations the children were introduced to the concept of "tapping out" the sounds they hear in words. Click here to learn more about tapping!

The class had a great time creating their own paper duck projects at the Creation Station center last week.

In math be began Topic 13 which focuses on sorting. We learned that object can be sorted by various attributes including color, size, shape, and texture!

The students above enjoyed sorting objects such as pom poms, gems, pattern blocks, buttons, and bears at the Sorting Station Center last week!

The class had a blast sorting their shoes by size, color, and type after reading the story Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes.

It was an exciting time in our classroom last week as we began a new unit in our Lucy Calkins program! The focus of this unit will be "How To" writing, and the children are already having a great time sharing things they know how to do! After many days of discussing, modeling, and practicing we wrote our first "How To" together on Friday. 

The class LOVED writing the steps for how to make slime, and did a wonderful job reading their work to their second grade buddies!

As a fun "Grand Finale" we followed our own directions to make slime!

In addition to the Lucy Calkins program, your child is also receiving direct instruction with sentence writing and learning the important components of a sentence which include an uppercase letter at the beginning, punctuation at the end, and the use of finger spaces between their words. Writing prompts like the one seen above will be used during our Monday center rotations.

Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to see all that is new in Room 202!

A Peek At Our Week!

Sunday, January 5, 2020 No comments
It was wonderful to be back together again in Room 202 after the long holiday break. Although we only had two short days together, the children were certainly busy! Please enjoy the pictures I have shared below!
Important Dates:

January 17th:
Professional Development Day
No School for Students

January 20th:
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
No School


Quiet Time Towels
Quiet Time towels were sent home for washing before the holiday break. Please be sure to have your child return their clean towel to school if they have not already done so. Thanks so much for your help!

Curriculum Update:

Literacy Centers
The class was back in the swing of things in no time and enjoyed completing New Year themed center activities!

The students above are learning about New Year traditions around the world, as well as drawing a tradition that is celebrated in their family.

Finding words in our classroom that began with the letters in "New Year" was a fun Write the Room challenge!

It was great to review the letters of the alphabet and practice sequencing them in the cut, glue, color activity pictured above.

 Both word order and sentence writing was the focus of the teacher-led center above. The children continue to practice writing sentences that begin with an uppercase letter, end with an ending mark, and include finger spaces.

New Year Goals!
The children worked hard to brainstorm goals for the New Year! Learning to tie their shoes, ride a bike, and eat more chicken were among some of the wonderful ideas that were shared.

 Sneezy the Snowman
On Friday the class enjoyed listening to the story Sneezy the Snowman by Maureen Wright. As a fun extension of this book, the class created their own melted snow people and came up with creative ideas about how they melted! Using a blow dryer, going in a hot tub, and touching a curling iron were just a few of the VERY imaginative ideas that were had!

  Thanks so much for taking a peek at our week! Please check back soon to see all that is new in Room 202!

A Peek At Our Week!

Wednesday, January 1, 2020 No comments
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! A friendly reminder that school resumes tomorrow, Thursday, January 2nd. I am looking forward to welcoming your children back to Room 202 and hearing about all of their fantastic winter break adventures!

Important Dates:

January 17th:
Professional Development Day
No School for Students

January 20th:
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
No School


Holiday Celebration
A BIG "thank you" to our Room Parents Mrs. Delaney, Mrs. Dixon, and Mrs. Ryle who organized a fantastic holiday celebration before the winter break, and to all of the parents who were able to come in and help with the fun. The class had a great time participating in holiday and winter themed crafts and games, and I can't thank them enough for all of their hard work. Please enjoy a few pictures from our festivities below!

Holiday Breakfast Raffle Winner
Congratulations to our friend Tessa who was the winner of the Lunch With Your Teacher raffle prize at the Boyden Holiday Breakfast! It was so much fun eating with Tessa and her two "guests" before vacation!