A Peek At Our Week!

Sunday, April 29, 2018 No comments
I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! It's hard to believe Tuesday is the first day of May and that we are entering our last full month of school together! Boy has this year flown!!!


Comic Book Artist!
Congratulations to the 4th and 5th grade cast and crew of the Comic Book Artist! Friday night's performance was absolutely fantastic and it was nice to see so many Kindergarten faces in the crowd! I hope you enjoyed the show as much as I did!


Last week in Literacy we read the book Mayday! Mayday! by Chris L. Demarest. This non-fiction text showed how the Coast Guard uses aircraft and highly trained personnel to respond to emergency situations. We also learned about the letter "X" and continued to review the color words yellow, green, and blue.

The children has a great time creating their own x-ray art work as we learned about the letter "X"!

We also read the story Not a Box by Antoinette Portis and had a blast turning a boring box into an extraordinary creation!

Last week in math we finished Topic 11 which focused on composing and decomposing teen numbers! The class had a great time completing many extension activities which allowed them to show what they learned throughout the unit.

Beautiful teen number butterflies brought some much needed "springiness" to our classroom bulletin board!

The class had a great time making teen number posters! This activity helped us practice the different ways that can be used to represent numbers. Ten frames, tally marks, pictures, and number lines are just a few of the ways we learned to "show" numbers in Topic 11.

Thanks so much for stopping by to take a peek at our week! Please check back soon to see all that is new in Room 202!

A Peek At Our Week!

Sunday, April 8, 2018 No comments

April Vacation
Please note that April vacation will begin on Monday, April 16th with classes resuming on Monday, April 23th. I hope everyone has a fantastic April break! Fingers crossed for some beautiful spring weather!

Curriculum Update:

Spring Music Concert
Thank you SO much to everyone who was able to make it to our spring music concert! The children worked extremely hard to prepare for their performance and I couldn't be more proud of them. I definitely think we have some future American Idol contestants on our hands! ;)

In math we have been revisiting teen numbers! As part of this unit your child has been using tens and ones as well as ten frames to both create and decompose numbers 11 to 19!

Last week in Literacy we read the story Abuela by Arthur Dorros and discussed the question "Where will our adventures take us?" We also learned about the letter "W" and practiced the sight words here, go, and from!

We had a great time making Word Family Whales for "W" week!

Reading Where the Wild Thing Are was another highlight of "W" week! After enjoying the story the children did a fantastic job designing their own "wild thing" monsters and writing about a time when they felt wild!

I feel wild when I go rock climbing.

I feel wild when I am in the forest.

Thanks so much for stopping by to take a peek at our week! I hope you stop by again soon to see all that is new in Room 202!

A Peek At Our Week!

Sunday, April 1, 2018 No comments
It was another busy week in Room 202! 

Pajama Day!
Our classroom sure was comfy and cozy on Thursday as the students enjoyed wearing their pjs to school! I am SO proud of how hard the class worked to fill our Reward Jar for the first time and I know they will continue to keep up the great work!

Curriculum Update:

Last week in Literacy we read the book If You Could Go to Antarctica by Fay Robinson and discussed the question "What would it be like to have an Antarctic adventure?" We also learned about the letter "E" and practiced the sight words here, go, and from.

We had a great time reading many books from the Elmer series while learning about the letter 'E'! The students then enjoyed making their own Elmer the patchwork elephants!

Last week in math we completed Topic 9 and our exploration of composing and decomposing numbers. As the unit came to a close, the children worked in pairs to find ways to make 10, and even created their own "Number Kites" to show the ways to make a number of their choosing. This week we will begin Topic 10 which takes a closer look at teen numbers!

Thanks so much for stopping by to take a peek at our week! Please check back soon to see all that is new in Room 202!