Comic Book Artist!
Congratulations to the 4th and 5th grade cast and crew of the Comic Book Artist! Friday night's performance was absolutely fantastic and it was nice to see so many Kindergarten faces in the crowd! I hope you enjoyed the show as much as I did!

Last week in Literacy we read the book Mayday! Mayday! by Chris L. Demarest. This non-fiction text showed how the Coast Guard uses aircraft and highly trained personnel to respond to emergency situations. We also learned about the letter "X" and continued to review the color words yellow, green, and blue.
The children has a great time creating their own x-ray art work as we learned about the letter "X"!

We also read the story Not a Box by Antoinette Portis and had a blast turning a boring box into an extraordinary creation!
Last week in math we finished Topic 11 which focused on composing and decomposing teen numbers! The class had a great time completing many extension activities which allowed them to show what they learned throughout the unit.
Beautiful teen number butterflies brought some much needed "springiness" to our classroom bulletin board!
The class had a great time making teen number posters! This activity helped us practice the different ways that can be used to represent numbers. Ten frames, tally marks, pictures, and number lines are just a few of the ways we learned to "show" numbers in Topic 11.
Thanks so much for stopping by to take a peek at our week! Please check back soon to see all that is new in Room 202!